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Facing the Mirror of Mathematics
: How Deep Can Humans Think


Minhyong Kim


Influential Inc.


Science & Technology


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing

Simplified Chinese


  • #mathematics
  • #artificial intelligence
  • #thinking skills
  • #mathematical thinking
  • #Science and humanities
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 ASEAN
  • #Video Conference
  • #consignment

Copyright Contact

Jiyoung Park

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    130 * 197

The global mathematician Minhyong Kim, professor of mathematics at Oxford University, explores human cognition and the universe through seven lectures on modern mathematics.

Book Intro

Probability theory, invented in the 17th century, was once a complex mathematical theory that even experts could not understand. However, now anyone can read and understand probability, such as a "37% chance of rain." The intuition that emerged from observing the world is elaborately refined into a theory that is gradually and widely accepted by more people. The global mathematician Minhyong Kim, Professor of mathematics at Oxford University, says that as this process is repeated and accumulated over centuries, human thinking constantly expands, and this trend will accelerate. This means that, for us now, even the most complex modern mathematics theory will soon become a common sense for everyone.

Professor Minhyong Kim's new book, Facing the Mirror of Mathematics, contains seven lectures on the world of mathematics that have expanded human thinking. Through this book, you will encounter the essence of mathematical thinking, which is the basis for understanding every part of the world, from basic mathematical principles to information, the universe, and socio-cultural topics such as ethical judgments and meeting with the opposite sex. Based on over a year of lectures, including his various public lectures, this book contains a deep exploration and message about the mathematical thinking needed for our time. As you gradually warm up your brain by following the questions and answers in this book, as though sitting in a classroom, you will find yourself immersed in the fascinating world of mathematics. This book covers concepts that cross the boundary between physics and mathematics, such as the  algorithm of Gale-Shapley, the Nobel Prize winners for Economics, Arrow's impossibility theorem, and Euler's formula. Yet it is written in the language of common sense so that anyone can easily read it to the end.

About the Author

Minhyong Kim

(English) Kim Min-Hyong is a world-famous mathematician who vigorously unfolds the wide world of mathematics that extends into the universe all at once. Kim gained fame in the world mathematics scene by solving a nearly 400-year-old problem generated from Fermat’s Last Theorem.

Kim was the first early graduate at Seoul National University, the first Korean professor of mathematics at Oxford, and a chair professor for the popularization of mathematics at the University of Warwick.

Currently, he works as head of the International Center for Mathematical Sciences in Edinburgh, UK, is a chair professor of mathematical sciences at Edinburgh University, and a master professor at Korea Institute for Advanced Study. He has published When Mathematics Is Needed and its sequel When Mathematics Is Needed Again.


Come to the Math Story Club includes seven of his lectures made especially for teens. The author hopes that Korean teenagers, who are among the most eager to study mathematics in the world, can enjoy studying math and further develop their love of math.


(Chinese) 他是一位坐在座位上可以延伸到宇宙、展示广袤数学世界的世界级数学家。他在“费马大定理”问题上解决了源于数论代数和几何学的400年难题,以此在全球数学领域广为人知。




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