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Who Am I?
: (Russian) Я,


Kim Hee-kyung


YEOYOUDANG Publishing co.


Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old
9~12 years old
Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #I
  • #heart
  • #expression
  • #acceptance
  • #respect
  • #diversity
  • #being myself
  • #happy
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 Russia
  • #Video Conference
  • #consignment

Copyright Contact

Choi Youngok

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    190 * 285

This picture book is like a gift to everyone who wants to love themselves.

Book Intro

(Russian) Я,

Книжка с картинками, рожденная на основе опыта художника в открытии и принятии различных аспектов самого себя в поведенческих характеристиках животных. «В мире много Я, кто я?» Двенадцать животных, таких как олени, летучие рыбы и белый медведь, появляются и рассказывают о себе. Говорят, что олени пугаются даже в мелочах, а ленивцы чувствуют себя комфортно в своем собственном пространстве. Что сказал бы последний ребенок? Слово, вызывающее яркую улыбку среди неожиданности переворота, дарит волшебную безмятежность. Принимая тот факт, что у всех есть разные образы и что каждый собирается, чтобы сформировать себя, ясные и теплые картинки и дружеские рассказы в книге придаст чувство спокойствия и наполненности.


(English) Who Am I?

A lovely picture book that reminds you and expresses you in various ways within you and always cherishes you!

On the white paper, many small drops are scattered, in yellow, orange, and green. On such backdrop, the story begins with a question, "There are so many mes out there in the world. What is me? What is me?" When a reader turns over a page from curiosity, a deer staring at something runs away and says, "I'm scared. I'm surprised at the small things." Turn another page, and a sloth sleeping comfortably in the green forest says, "I like my space. I feel at ease there." Looking at animal friends, the reader will feel comfortable as warm and clear pictures make him/her identify with, saying "Quite, so."

Every time the reader turns a page, a different one of twelve animals, including a flying fish, a rhinoceros, and a polar bear, takes a turn telling you about themselves. Now, with only the animal footprints heading away, the question "What is me?" comes up again, and the little child finally appears to express him or herself. The child says something that brings comfort and fullness with an amazing twist. What is it?

This picture book was born from the artist's experience of discovering and accepting various aspects of herself through the behavioral characteristics of animals. Her clear and warm pictures delivers a message that if you accept the fact that everyone has a variety of appearances, and that each one comes together to form a whole, you can feel relaxed and full. Anyone who reads this book will experience a warm heart, offering an opportunity to think and express various aspects of themselves, to accept and cherish them. Furthermore, this experience will lead to respect for the diversity of mes and others and of the world.

About the Author

Kim Hee-kyung

(English) Kim Hee-kyung was born in 1984 and raised in Seoul. She studied cartoons at university and her paintings are clear and warm. In Who am I?, which reflects a child's emotions and thoughts about the animals, she evoke empathy by embodying the characteristics, movements, and emotions of animals with only color, density, and blurring effects. Her brush painting directly drawn on white paper, without sketches or outlines, and only the necessary parts drawn in pencil, looks free, delicate, cozy and sweet. Her work Smart was selected at the Nami Concours in 2017, and Who am I was selected for the Good Contents Support Program by the Publishing Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA) in 2019.

(Russian) Автор родился в 1984 году и вырос в Сеуле. После изучения комиксов в университете, изучал(а) иллюстрированные книги в Болонской мастерской в Сангсанг-Маданге. в 2017 году выиграл(а) приз на конкурсе «Нами» за <Тук тук тук>, а <Я,> был выбран в качестве отличного проекта по поддержке производства издательского контента в 2019 году и был выбран на международном конкурсе «Белая Ворона 2020».


Nami Councours, 2017, Nami Island International Illustration Award


Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA), 2019, Good Contents Support Program

Bestseller Rank

Aladdin, August 2019, 9th (Children Book)

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