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Changbi Publishers, Inc.


Literature & Fiction


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #animation
  • #Angoulème
  • #teenager
  • #Minorities in society

Copyright Contact

Ally Bang

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    172 * 238

This book looks back on youth problems and the social issues through the main characters of Jinjoo and Jungae, so called as juvenile delinquents who experienced school and domestic violence. It has many implications for young people, older generations, and society.

Book Intro

At the age of sixteen, Jinjoo, who had suffered violence from her father, became a friend with the troublemaker Jungae. The two agree to leave their disgusting houses and school and run away together. They find work at a karaoke bar through Jungae's friend, but Jinjoo was not good at work and they got fired. They got a job in other karaoke bar, but Jinjoo again made a foolish mistake and they are found to be minors. They were advised not to work in such bar and came back to home. Unlike Jinjoo, who had a caring mother and sister, Jungae had only a runaway mother, a violent and poor father, and a younger sister. Jungae's mother suddenly returns home and asks for a divorce, which throws the house into terrible confusion. After that, Jungae disappeared from school and home. There were rumors that some people saw her, but she never comes back. Meanwhile, Jinjoo enters a high school but she continues to make trouble. 

And years later, Jinjoo, who has become a cartoonist, runs into a middle school friend who works at a bank. And she heard that she saw Jungae's sister, Junghee, working at a brothel behind the bank. Jinjoo looks back on her past and thinks that Jungae might still remain  in that miserable world. Later, by chance, in the bus, Jinjoo finds Jungae with her child on her back, but can't bring herself to say anything. 

The writer's unusual school days and uncomfortable family life have already been confessed in Nineteen. Yet, this work, which tells about how she made it through those times and became who she is today, and what she feels about while looking back on at such time, shows how Ancco has moved from girl to lady and to adult.

About the Author


Ancco (F) was born in 1983 in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, as the third daughter of Choi Yang-gil. She has two sisters and one younger brother and likes to sing and make things. She carries a small notebook to draw sketches in. Book illustrated by Ancco include Ancco's Picture Diary 1 ​and 2, and a collection of short stories, Nineteen. She also participated in  the illustration of Yongsan Where I Lived with five other cartoonists.



Festival international de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême, 2017, Prix révélation

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