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A child chewing stones


Song Mikyoung

Serge Bloch


Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #secret
  • #difference
  • #cheer
  • #original bestseller story book
  • #Ragazzi Award
  • #2020 Visiting Japan

Copyright Contact

Eom Heejeong

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    210 * 210

This story is about a boy who has a secret: he loves eating stones. It coveys a warm message of support and encouragement for "differences."

Book Intro


(English) A child chewing stones 

The book is created by collaboration between two authors from two countries, Song Mikyoung and Serge Bloch. The children's story, A Child Eating Stones, which changed the geography of children's literature in Korea, has now been published as a picture book.

The children’s story A Child Eating Stones, which has received great love from readers and critics since it was first published in 2014, is now newly published as a picture book. This picture book is the result of a collaboration between two artists from two countries. The world's renowned illustrator, Serge Bloch, drew the pictures. When the unique atmosphere of the original story and the warm message of support and encouragement for "differences" meet Serge Bloch's simple and yet delightful illustrations, it creates an intense harmony.

The book is about a boy who has a secret. His secret is that he loves to eat stones. This book received the 5th Changwon Children's Literary Award and was selected as the Book of the Year by the Seoul Metropolitan Library in 2016 and the Best Book Selected by Children by the Korean Children's Book Association in 2017. This book created a new geography for children's literature in Korea with its unique and provoking imagination. Since it is now published as a picture book, a wider range of readers can now enjoy A Child Eating Stones. Also, in the world of picture books with their implied images, children and adults alike can interpret the meaning of this book their own way and expand it even more.

Song is synonymous with uniqueness and a vast group of mania fans. The books shows her limitless potential as one of the most notable children's book writers.


(Japanese) 石を食べる子供


About the Author

Song Mikyoung

(Japanese) 文を書いたソン・ミギョンはウンジンジュニアー文学賞、第5回昌原児童文学賞、第54回韓国出版文学賞を受賞し、2005年アメリカイラストレーター協会で授与する金メダルを受け、ダビド・カリと一緒に作業した『私は待ちます...』でバオバブ賞を、『世界を揺らす31人のばかたち』で2007年ボローニャラガチ賞を受賞した。


Song Mikyoung made her literary debut in 2008 winning the Woongjin Junior Literary Award with her work The School for the Children who Don’t Want to Go to School. Song won the 5th Changwon Children’s Literary Award with A Kid who Eats Stones and the 54th Korean Publishing Culture Award with Some Kid Is. Stories for children written by Song Mikyoung include The School Newsletter Commotion, The Can Academy, The Sewing Girl, The Diary Eating Journals and The Goddess of Vengeance. Novels for adolescents written by Song include The Madman Surgical Report, The Concentration of an Addiction (co-authorship), and The Density of a Complex (co-authorship).

Serge Bloch

Serge Bloch (M), born in France in 1956, studied at Ecole Superieure des Arts Decoratifs de Strasbourg. He won a Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators in NY in 2005, received the Baobab Award for I Can't Wait, which he worked on with Davide Cali, and received the Bologna Ragazzi Award in 2007 for his illustrations in The Encyclopedia of Dunces, Rebels, and Other Geniuses. He has also illustrated covers for Times and children's books including The Great Book on Fight, The Enemy and 50 Imaginations that Change Scribbles into Art.

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