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Mr. Something Special


Jin Sookyoung


A thousand hope


Picture Books


6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing



  • #general picture book
  • #human relationship
  • #donation
  • #sharing
  • #practice
  • #stereotype
  • #2021 Visiting Korean Book Fair North America
  • #Video Conference
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan

Copyright Contact

Song Soohyun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    215 * 256

Dajeong, an ordinary 30-year-old man, grows his hair long to give it to sick children. He is a brave man who goes against stereotypes.

Book Intro


(English) Mr. Something Special

Mr. Dajeong (meaning kind and sweet in Korean) is a 30-year-old man working in a company that manufactures scissors. He is of average height and has an average face. He wears ordinary clothes and shoes. The one and only special thing about him is that his hair is pretty long. His long hair causes many difficulties for him in his life. People stare at him as if he were a weird person and the CEO of his company criticizes him. Nevertheless, he overcomes all such obstacles to give his hair to sick children. Perhaps what's so special about him is not the long hair that people can see. Rather, it's the warm heart of someone who cares about children in need. Mister Something Special tells a heart-warming story about Mr. Dajeong, a special man who goes against stereotypes and gives his hair to children with cancer.

On the last page of the book, there is detailed information about hair donation (how to donate hair to sick children, how donated hair is used, etc.) to help those who would like to grow their hair long and donate it like Mr. Dajeong.

In this book, what makes Mr. Dajeong special is that he has long hair, despite being a man. There is a common stereotype that men should have short hair, and women should have long hair. This stereotype is expressed through the CEO of Dajeong's company. Just like him, we often make the mistake of thinking that people who are different from us are wrong. But men working in offices can have long hair and express their individuality with various hair styles. The author hopes everybody will care less about gender stereotypes and express their own special individuality.

Like Mr. Dajeong, we all are ordinary, yet special. We all have our own special, attractive points. Even if these are not like Mr. Dajeong's long hair, which anybody can notice at a glance. 

The author also hopes this book will give you a chance to think about your own special individuality.


(French) < Monsieur un peu spécial>

Monsieur Da-Jeong est un salarié ordinaire. La seule chose qui est un peu spécial, c’est qu’il a des cheveux longs. Monsieur Da-Jeong se réveille tôt tous les matins pour se laver et sécher ses longs cheveux. Dans le train, certains lancent un regard noir sur lui à cause de ses longs cheveux. Malgré tout ça, il garde ses cheveux longs avec patience dans le but de donner ses cheveux aux enfants malades.

Ce qui est remarquable, c’est sa bienveillance et son courage de garder sa spécificité malgré toutes les difficultés pour aider les enfants dans le besoin.

À la fin du livre, vous trouverez des informations sur le don de cheveux. Il est expliqué en détail comment partager les cheveux pour les enfants malades et comment les cheveux sont utilisés.


(Japanese) なにか特別なおじさん



About the Author

Jin Sookyoung

(English) “Every morning, I see families saying goodbye to their children on their way to school. Especially in the spring, what catches my eye is the reluctant child on her way to her first day of school and her mother who worries about her child but has to rush to work. This image lingers in my heart because I, too, am such a mother. I created this book to support all the Tae-pyungs and mothers in the world.” 

Jin Sookyoung wrote and illustrated Mr. Something Special.


(Russian) Книга с картинками говорит о том что «Мы все обычные и особенные. Желаю вам немного мужества, чтобы сохранить свою особенность и смотреть на различия у людей с теплым сердцем». Это первая книга с картинками, которую я написал(а) и нарисовал(а). В будущем, я хочу написать достаточно интересную книжку с картинками, которую можно будет читать и читать повторно.


(Japanese) 私たちはみな平凡であり、特別な存在です。「自分だけの特別さを守る小さな勇気を持てますように。お互いの違うところをもっと温かい視線で見られますように」といった気持ちを込めて今回の絵本を作りました。この本は私の作った初めての絵本です。これからも何度も読みたくなるような楽しい絵本を作りたいと思っています。す。 


(Vietnamese) Tác giả hy vọng rằng dù ta không thể thấy và chạm vào người thân khi họ qua đời, nhưng với tình yêu thương họ sẽ luôn ở bên chúng ta qua những tia sáng ấm áp. Các tác phẩm truyện tranh khác của tác giả gồm có “Chú này có gì đó thật đặc biệt”, “Cá sấu đến rồi”, “Bà già Noel”.

Qua truyện tranh này, tác giả muốn gửi gắm thông điệp “Tất cả chúng ta tuy bình thường nhưng cũng rất đặc biệt. Thế nên hãy dũng cảm để bảo vệ cá tính đặc biệt ấy của riêng mình. Và cũng phải biết chấp nhận sự khác biệt của nhau bằng tấm lòng bao dung ấm áp”.  “Chú này có gì đó thật đặc biệt” là tác phẩm đầu tay và tác giả muốn viết thêm nhiều truyện tranh thú vị hơn nữa trong tương lai.


(French) Un petit mot de l’auteure (Jin Soo-Kyung)

« Nous sommes tous ordinaires mais uniques. Je souhaite que chacun d’entre vous puisse avoir du courage pour garder sa spécificité. J’espère que vous pouvez regarder les différences des autres avec un regard aimable et chaleureux. Avec ce souhait, j’ai travaillé sur le livre illustré. Je voudrais écrire des livres attirants qui vous mènent à en relire, encore et encore. » 



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