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A Wimp


Kim CheLuin

Song YoungAe




Picture Books


9~12 years old
Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #2019 China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair (CCBF)
  • #wimp
  • #friend
  • #relationship

Copyright Contact

Kim Gugyoung

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    188 * 273

This book depicts our lives as we agonize over whether to be friendly or independent because we are afraid of being called a wimp if we do not hang out with other people.

Book Intro

A journey of thought to a world drawn with embroidery
Questions on life we disregard in everyday life

I didn’t want to lose my friends,
I didn’t want to be left alone and
I didn’t want to be a wimp.

A Wimp is a picture book written by a daughter and embroidered by her mother. A minor anecdote experienced by a child is told through pictures taken from notable paintings. It tells a story of "relationship and independence." Friends are certainly a big help to children, as they need people to rely on when they leave the arms of their parents and start to form peer groups. Parents want their children to get along well with other children and not cause any problems. They also want their children to be able to speak their opinions with confidence when they are among their friends. The writer reminds us of the things we have forgotten about through the main character who agonizes about being a friendly person or an independent person. She makes us look back on our own lives, how we are so easily swayed by others without thinking, and think about the reasons why.

About the Author

Kim CheLuin

(English) I (Kim CheLuin) am an alien from Europa, a satellite of Jupiter. I came to Earth on a time machine. I am researching  how to fly away on a balloon because my time machine is broken. If you see a red balloon flying through the sky, imagine that an alien from Europa is riding it. Books I've written include Where did the Balloon Go?, The Third World and Minimum Western Classics.


(Japanese) 芸術と哲学、歴史と科学を熱心に勉強しながら、本を書いたり、公演や企画をしています。2003年『中央日報』で短編小説『曖昧さについて』で作家になりました。絵本『風船はどこへ行ったのか』、『臆病者』を構成・執筆しました。


(French) J'étudie avec ardeur l'art, la philoshopie, l'histoire et le science, écris des livres et fais un projet de performance. Je suis devenue écrivain chez 'Joongang Ilbo' en 2003 pour un roman court "A propos de l'ambiguïté". J'ai composé et écrit les livres d'images : "Où est passé le ballon" et "Lâche".

Song YoungAe

I (Song YoungAe (F)) am a 542 year-old fairy who makes air planes out of books. I actually forget how old I am so I'm just making up my age. But I am certain I'm over 500 years old. Anyway, don't forget to grab the fairy's hand if you see her. She will give you a boost of confidence. I also illustrated Where did the Balloon Go?.

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