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(Japanese) pymate  2014年に設立された出版社で、ペット, カウンセリング学, 心理学, 教育学, 人文書籍を出版しています。 様々なコンテンツを企画し、急速に成長している会社です。



Featured Works

New Middle Age&New Old Age Studying the Mind

Mom's writing, human's writing

The Research Institute of thought

Pet-assisted therapy

Scent of human

Psychology to the Scene

Home Cooking Recipe for Pets

Raising our Children to Be Gifted

Psychiatrists Don’t Care about You

Movie to watch with heart

Let's Play with Folk Paintings

Tricksters of the Century and the World

Virtual Reality and Education

Education is hope

Healing Folk Paintings Coloring Book

A film tells happiness

No Hope without Hardship

Honestly, the Unhappy Life No Stranger