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A Perfect Ten Shampoo, Shampoo Pong


Jung Heeyoung

Lee Deokhwa




Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Children’s story
  • #math test
  • #fantasy
  • #self-esteem
  • #self-control
  • #friendship

Copyright Contact

Kim Heejeon

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    168 * 220

An ordeal experienced for the first time in the third grade. What will the heroine choose in order to solve the problem and find her true self?

Book Intro

A Perfect Ten Shampoo, Shampoo Pong


Songa is popular among the kids and school has always been fun for her. But when she enters third grade, she begins to feel the pressure of schoolwork. Word that tests have disappeared from elementary school is an outright lie. The teacher makes the kids take a math quiz every week in the name of unit assessments. Songa finds it difficult to sit still and study, and at this rate, she may end up a “math quitter.” To make matters even worse, a few days ago Jo Yejun had disclosed to the whole world that Songa scored only 50% on her latest quiz paper, and now Songa is the laughingstock of her class and has earned the nickname “math dummy,” which really upsets her. One day, as she is trudging home from school, depressed, she decides to stop at the corner supermarket to get something to eat, like a lollipop. But the supermarket is nowhere to be seen, and now a beauty salon stands in its place, right where the supermarket had clearly stood just yesterday. Songa carefully looks into the strange beauty salon and before she knows it, her gaze stops at the shampoo displayed in the window. What had caught her attention was a peculiar label attached to the shampoo. Songa hesitates a moment, then plucks up the courage to enter. The elderly owner of the salon, who had been dancing to some delightful music, must have noticed, because she approaches Songa. Then she says something strange that doesn’t make any sense and hands Songa the shampoo labeled Shampoo Pong. She says that if you take a test after washing your hair with Shampoo Pong, you will get one hundred percent no matter what! It’s hard to believe, but what the heck, Songa decides she will take the old lady’s word for it. Following this, something weird really does occur to Songa. Is Shampoo Pong effective just as the old lady at the hair salon claimed? Songa is somehow able to solve the biggest problem in her life since she entered third grade, but another problem is creeping up on her. Will she get another opportunity? If so, then what will Songa choose?

About the Author

Jung Heeyoung

(English) Jung Heeyoung, who majored in child studies in university and graduate school, developed and produced children’s books for a publishing house. She honed her craft at the Children’s Book Writers Class, and her writing talents were recognized when she received a prize for “Congratulations on Your Mistake!” in the inaugural Mirae-N Creative Writing Contest. Jung enjoys crafting entertaining stories that seamlessly blend reality and imagination, inviting her readers to become fully immersed in her narrative worlds. Some of her works include Expand, Courage Gum; An Invincible Copy Has Appeared; Blow, Fan Wind; and Piricola’s Vacation Assignment. She also co-authored Spoiled Child Meets Joseph.


(Chinese) 在本科及研究生院学习了“儿童学”,毕业后进入出版社从事儿童书籍策划及出版。在“儿童图书作家教室”进修童话后,凭借《祝贺你的失误!》荣获第一届(株)Mirae-n 创作征集大赛优秀奖。创作穿梭于现实及想象的有趣故事,喜欢与读者在故事中奔跑玩耍。著有《变大的勇气口香糖》、《出现了无敌纸板》、《吹吧,扇子口哨》、《皮里高罗的假期作业》、《遇见耍赖大王约瑟(合著》等。

Lee Deokhwa

(English) Jung Heeyoung, who majored in child studies in university and graduate school, developed and produced children’s books for a publishing house. She honed her craft at the Children’s Book Writers Class, and her writing talents were recognized when she received a prize for “Congratulations on Your Mistake!” in the inaugural Mirae-N Creative Writing Contest. Jung enjoys crafting entertaining stories that seamlessly blend reality and imagination, inviting her readers to become fully immersed in her narrative worlds. Some of her works include Expand, Courage Gum; An Invincible Copy Has Appeared; Blow, Fan Wind; and Piricola’s Vacation Assignment. She also co-authored Spoiled Child Meets Joseph.


(Chinese) 在大学学习了动画,目前是插图师及图画书作家。图画书《波鲁图瓦》荣获2010博洛尼亚国家童书展“年度插图师”。绘制过《擅长骂人的李俞娜》、《消失物品的秘密》等,著有《100个月亮和恐龙宝宝》及《头发多的孩子》等。

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