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I Am Booger, Nosy


Huh Jungyoon


Woongjin ThinkBig Co., Ltd.


Children's Other Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #2023 K-Book Copyright Market
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Thailand
  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    200 * 245

Book Intro

(English) I Am Booger, Nosy

Nosy, a booger living inside a girl's nose leaves for an adventure. While enjoying new smells, he bumps into someone visiting from the other hole by getting on a finger. I want to see the outside world! Will Nosy carry out his plan? Perfectly mixed with a whimsical sense of humor and charming character, kids will be captivated by this book and wonder what's coming up.


(Chinese) 我是鼻屎鼻仔


住在Seoyeong左鼻孔、鼻毛森林深处的鼻屎鼻塞每天都会消除反复的无聊感,开始鼻毛森林探险。 为了避开突然进入鼻子的Seoyeong的手指四处逃窜,与Seoyeong手指上的鼻屎科比命运般的相遇…… 对于生平第一次通过Seoyeong的手指弹到外面的科奇来说,会有什么样的事情等待着他们呢? 

About the Author

Huh Jungyoon

(English) Huh Jungyoon is a picture book author, a light painting artist, and a creative education planner. Huh currently is in a doctoral course of Education in the graduate school of Hanyang University. Heo Jeongyoon works as a picture book writer and draws pictures for stories that cannot be told in words. Huh hopes to continue writing fun and enjoyable stories that can bring laughter to children.

Huh has written include The Piggyback, The Monkey School, The Booger Kozy and The Invisible Tree.


(Russian) “Работаю автором книжек с картинками и рисую такие истории, которые невозможно описать.”

Написал такие книги, как “Мы здесь, в зоопарке”, “Поднимите стражу”, “У дяди-слона нос это рука”, “Слоник из проволоки”, “Почему мама не идет”, “Кванджу, май, снова есть надежда”, “Дяденька в болоневых штанах”, “Родинка и Черныш”, “Супер кошка”, “Лучший день” и “Привет”.


(Japanese) 絵本作家、創造性教育企画者、大学教授として忙しく過ごしています。絵本『透明木』はホワイトレイヴン国際児童青少年文学分野に選ばれました。著書に『私は毎日ご飯を食べます』、『私たちはここにいます、動物園』、『63日』、『姉と弟』、『鼻くそのコジ』などがあります。


(French) Je suis écrivan de livre d'Image, planificatrice de l'éducation de la créativité et professeure d'université. Le livre d'image "Arbre transparent" est sélectionné comme 'Genre littéraire internationale pour enfants et adolescents de White Raven". Voici mes livres : "Je mange du riz tous les jours", "Emprunte-moi le père" et "Cozie, la crotte de nez" etc.

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