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Voluntary Bystander Parenting
: Special Korean Parenting Method Recognized by France


Choi Eun Ah


Sam & Parkers (Sam & Parkers Co., Ltd.)


Humanities & Society



Overseas Licensing


  • #Parenting
  • #family
  • #parenting method
  • #2023 K-Book Copyright Market
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan

Copyright Contact

Woo Jungmin

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    147 * 224

This book offers tips on "bystander parenting," whereby parents freely and strategically look on without intervening in their children's lives, whether it be their studies or their lifestyle, in the hopes of raising children who can grow up as independent people.

Book Intro

Voluntary Bystander Parenting

- Special Korean Parenting Method Recognized by France


The author, an elementary schoolteacher, has observed how children who manage to do well in school and in their studies are different from their peers. They were more emotionally stable and able to control themselves, with a strong sense of inner drive. In Korea, parents typically push their young toddlers to study harder and sign them up for private tutoring, interfering in many aspects of their lives. However, the author took the completely opposite approach. She took a leisurely stance on parenting and stood by as a strategic bystander to allow her children to try and experiment with their own lives. Rather than subjecting them to endless hours of Korean language and English studies, she taught them how to jump rope and fold paper shapes. She has witnessed firsthand, by observing hundreds of students, that children who don't know how to write their names in Korean but who are adept at folding origami, and children who haven't memorized the multiplication tables but who excel at skipping rope, go on to do well in their studies. 


Voluntary Bystander Parenting discusses the surprising process and success cases of how parents who strategically took a step back and remained bystanders in the lives of their children enabled the same children to immerse themselves in their studies. When the author finds herself suddenly relocated to France, she experiences a kind of devil-may-care parenting style that Korean parents would find hard to imagine. And yet, her children managed to adjust to their new school in just ten days and began achieving spectacularly. Parents who wish to inspire their children to study and live with initiative, who want to be patient and wait for their children, and who want to respect their children for who they are, can feel a sense of emotional liberation through this book and witness the surprising change that comes when their children learn to pioneer their lives on their own. 



About the Author

Choi Eun Ah

(English) Choi is an elementary schoolteacher with 12 years' experience and a voluntary bystander mom of two daughters. The author did not help her children with things they could do on their own. In this book, she advises that children who have learned to take on a self-directed approach to learning during the ages of 4 to10 will naturally commit themselves to learning later on, so parents should never try to push them to memorize the Korean alphabet, English phonics, or the multiplication table. Instead, parents should relax and merely try to fill in the gaps little by little and respond appropriately; this book guides parents towards the path of a master parent where the child voluntarily immerses themselves in their studies. Choi has appeared in various TV programs and is currently living with her children in France, experiencing the amazing effects of voluntary bystander parenting.


(Japanese) 小学校の教師12年目であり、2人の娘を育てる自発的傍観ママ。子どもが自分でできることは、なるべく手伝わないと話す。4-10歳の間に自分でできる力を育てれば、勉強への意志は自然と生まれるもので、ハングルや英語、九九の暗記に力を注ぐべきではないと語る。穏やかな心でゆっくり、足りない部分は少しずつ克服し、子どもの声にちゃんと応えてあげれば自ら勉強に打ち込むようになるという育児のやり手としてのコツを伝授。数々の番組に出演し、現在フランスで「自発的傍観育児」の驚くべき効果を自ら経験しながら、子どもたちと過ごしている。

Bestseller Rank

Number 1 in parenting and family, January 2023, Yes24

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