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The Silent Coincidence




Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #2023 K-Book Copyright Market
  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    140 * 205

Book Intro

(English) The Silent Coincidence

‘Goyo’, a child who shines alone in a high place like a lofty crescent moon, and ‘Jung-hu’, a friendly class president who seems to have no shadow at all. There is always an object of longing and envy at the end of Suhyeon's gaze. He looks at them all day long, but even though they are in the same space, they never touch each other as if they belong to different dimensions. However, the canvas of the story expands in a new direction due to a chain reaction of a dream that came to him one night and an inexplicable coincidence. It was when an unexpected person came into Suhyeon's field of view that he first encountered those who stayed in the realm of observation head-on in the online space. A ‘coincidence’ that has a faint presence in the classroom, but somehow catches the eye. Why the hell am I so curious about that kid? Secrets that could have been hidden forever are revealed one by one, like the far side of the moon, including the truth that the shining object of longing has a similar mindset to mine, and the amazing fact that there was someone who had been looking, whom I had only considered insignificant.


(Chinese) 静谧的偶然

像孤零零的新月一样,在高处独自发光的孩子"寂静",看似毫无阴影的亲切班长"正厚"。 秀贤的视线尽头总是有憧憬和羡慕的对象。 整天看着那些孩子,即使是在同一个空间里,也不会像属于不同层次一样互相接触。 但是,由于某个夜晚突然袭来的梦想和无法解释的偶然连锁作用,故事的画布朝着新的方向发展。 停留在观察领域的他们第一次在网络空间正面相遇,是从意外的人物进入秀贤的视野开始的。 在教室里虽然存在感很模糊,但不知为何还是很引人注目的"偶然"。 我到底为什么对那个孩子这么好奇呢? 即使只是看起来非常耀眼的憧憬对象,其实内心也和我有着相似的想法,而且微不足道。直到有人一直关注着曾经那样认为的我,令人惊讶的事实,像月亮背面一样差点永远隐藏的秘密一一浮出水面。

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