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Basic and Intermediate Korean Writing for Foreigners
: Strengthening the basics and Jumping to the intermediate level


Youn Namhee







Overseas Licensing


  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Indonesia
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Thailand
  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    188 * 257

Book Intro

(Englih) Basic and Intermediate Korean Writing for Foreigners

Strengthening the basics and Jumping to the intermediate level

The trait of this book is that it allows you to learn various writing formats through reading material and accumulate plenty of background knowledge before going into writing. The process of writing is an act of displaying your background knowledge with appropriate expressions and structure, so you can’t write good things without having background knowledge of knowing methods of expression. Therefore, reading texts structured strategically to learn writing formats and gaining great information is precisely the process of planting seeds for writing.

Foreign learners will be able to complete a piece of writing naturally while going through a step-by-step process from expanding their thinking based on such seeds to sentences, paragraphs, and writing.

About the Author

Youn Namhee

(English) She is currently working as a lecturer at Woosong University and Woosuk University with a Ph.D. in Korean Language and Literature. She is the author of 『TopIK Vocabulary and Grammar for Intermediate Learners』 (co-authored), 『Tasty Writing-Writing Guide for Foreigners』 (co-authored), 『Knowing Makes My Children Happy (Guidelines for Parents of Multicultural Families)』, 『Children’s Love Korean for Parents of multicultural Families』, etc.


(Japanese) 国語国文学博士/元ウソン大学招聘教授、現ウソン大学⸱ウソク大学講師 『中級学習者のためのTOPIK語彙⸱文法を鍛える』共著  『おいしいライティング-外国人のためのライティングガイド』共著  『知っておくと我が子が幸せです(多文化家庭の父兄指導書)』  『多文化家庭の親御さんのための子供愛韓国語』


(French) Il travaille actuellement comme conférencier à l'Université Woosong et à l'Université Woosuk en tant que docteur en littérature coréenne. Parmi les livres figurent "TOPIK Vocabulary for Intermediate Learners" (Livre officiel), "Delicious Writing-Writing Guide for Foreigners" (Livre officiel), "Mon enfant est heureux de savoir (Guide des parents pour les familles multiculturelles)", etc.


(Russian) Будучи доктором наук по корейскому языку и литературе, в настоящее время работаю учителем в университетах Усонг и Усок.” Среди его книг: “Лексика и грамматика TOPIK для учащихся среднего уровня”(соавтор),”Как писать вкусно - Руководство по письму для иностранцев”(соавтор), “Если ребенок будет знать, то будет счастлив (руководство для родителей из многокультурных семей)” и “Корейский язык для детей из многокультурных семей.


(Indonesian) Penulis adalah lulusan PhD dalam Bahasa dan Sastra Korea dan saat ini bekerja sebagai dosen di Woosong University dan Woosuk University. Buku-bukunya, yaitu Memperkuat Kosakata dan Tata Bahasa TOPIK Tingkat Menengah (penulis bersama), Penulisan Lezat Pedoman Penulisan untuk Orang Asing (penulis bersama), Anak Kami Bahagia Saat Tahu (Buku Petunjuk Orang Tua Keluarga Multikultural), Bahasa Korea Ungkapan Cinta Anak untuk Keluarga Multikultural, dll.

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