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Here Come the Waves


An Hyolim




Picture Books


3~5 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #picture book for infants
  • #play book for infants
  • #picture book for toddlers
  • #play book for toddlers
  • #general picture book
  • #travel
  • #play
  • #childrearing
  • #nature
  • #environment

Copyright Contact

Kim Byoungoh

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    300 * 160

Here come the waves! This picture book tells the story of children who dare to build a sandcastle even though they know the waves are getting closer.

Book Intro

Why do children bother to build sandcastles and wait for the waves to take over?

A big wave surges. This one is bigger than the previous one, which startles the children to move back. But the crabs are acting strangely. They’re even bolder than the children. They don’t back off and stand tall against the big waves. Why are they doing this? What are they going to do? Aren’t the crabs scared of the waves? Now the wave is coming. The crabs ride the tide and enjoy surfing. They’re riding the waves without hesitation, unlike the children who fled from the waves out of fear.

About the Author

An Hyolim

(English) The waves come ceaselessly in various shapes

while we look elsewhere, while we are tired of waiting, and while we forget expecting them to come.

We grow playing with the waves.

Here I introduce you to another wave of mine, Here Come the Waves, different from Who Are You and When a Persimmon Tree Calls.


(French) Elle a appris les métiers du Bois à l’université, et puis elle a travaillé en tant que décoratrice dans les grands magasins. Maintenant, elle fait des livres illustrés avec son enfant.  《Qui es-tu》 et 《Quand l’arbre à kaki m’appelle》 sont les fruits de sa forêt de Toto. Voilà le troisième fruit 《Arbre toto》.


Recommended by Bookstart Korea (elementary school) in 2020.

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