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Kitty, What Do I Do?!


Lee Juhee


Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Children's picture book
  • #family
  • #pets
  • #coexistence

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  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    180 * 250

This book deals with the various issues a child must consider before bringing a cat into the family from the child's perspective

Book Intro

(English) <Kitty, What Do I Do?!>

"A picture book about animals as companions, not accessories; family, not property; love and responsibility.

There’s a kid who loves every cat she meets, studies the cat encyclopedia, and catches the word “cat” in every conversation. She’s excited just imagining what it’d be like to live with a cat, but finds more than a few things to worry about. Cats have sharp nails (What if he rips my homework?), shed fur (I might get a runny nose!), like fish (What if he eats my fish from the jar?), poop in a sandbox (What if he turns the whole house into a sandbox?). Plus, where do cats like to go? What do cats think about? Do they want to see their family? Will my cat go to heaven like Grandpa? Will the cat want to live with me? The kid has all sorts of questions about cats. 

Like people, cats have different appearances, preferences, and personalities. They also get sick and die. Every living being brings happy moments as well as emergencies and worries. We need take time to learn about each other, care for each other, and love each other. It might take a miracle, too. In addition to thinking about money and those we already live with, we need to accept that we might have to suddenly say goodbye. The book deals with these concerns in a cute, pleasant, and affectionate manner for kids. Not just about cats, it encourages readers to look after everyone and everything around them. 

This book is about cats, but not just cats. For example, I can say the same things about the plant in my room. What’s it like to live with an alocasia? Will it attract bugs? Will it die because I forgot to water it? The concerns are similar. What about humans? I’m responsible for all beings that currently live and will live with me in the future. Despite my countless worries, I must do my best with my cat and everyone else. _ Lee Juhee"


(中國語/中文) <猫咪,我该怎么办?>

对猫咪目不转睛,猫咪百科全书时刻不离手的孩子……和猫咪一起生活想想就开心,但也会有烦恼随之而来。猫咪的爪子很尖,猫咪总是掉很多毛,猫咪…… 这样让人头疼的问题还有很多。从起名字,到猜测心思,这些看似有100个答案的问题让主人把注意力集中在猫咪身上,时时刻刻围绕它转。那么,猫咪也愿意和我一起生活吗?如果想要开始饲养猫咪,或是想要和它继续一起生活的话,应该怎么做?这本书可以让读者从内到外仔细观察猫咪的世界。

About the Author

Lee Juhee

(English) Stories are marvelous. On a particularly hard day, a sad and gloomy day, a depressing day when I don’t know my own mind, or a boring day, I read a book. Then I get immersed in the story and all my worries disappear. These stories have been long lasting. I wrote Trouble Bookstore to introduce old stories to my readers.

  I wrote and illustrated Trouble Restaurant, Where Did the Shadow Go?, What Do You See?, What Shall I Do?! Kitty, It’s Alright, It’s Our First Time, A Record of Stopping from Being Clingy, Come On, This Is Your First Time in a Library, Right?, and I Don’t Want to Be Your Friend!, and illustrated I Can’t Stop My Class, My Brother, Philip, and I Am a Caterpillar, No. 7 in Class 2 of the Third Grade.


(Indonesian) Penulis merasa terpukau dengan makanan. Ketika ia bosan atau lapar, ketika tubuhnya sakit atau dia merasa kelelahan pun, kalau makan dia akan merasa bertenaga. Setiap hari ia membuat buku bergambar sambil manyantap makanan sepuasnya. Buku karya bergambar yang ia tulis antara lain, "Apa yang terlihat?" "akhirnya si pembuntu* mandiri" (pengekor ini untuk padanan bahasa slang Korea KKumttakji yang artinya orang yang suka mengikuti kemana pun kamu pergi) , Untuk buku bergambar yang ia gambar antara lain, "saya beri solusi masalah yang dikhawatirkan PBB", "Kentut ayah", "adikku Philip", "ulat absen no 7 kelas 3-2".


(Japanese) 食べ物はとても不思議です。お腹が空いた時やつまらない時、病気や心が疲れた時も美味しい食べ物を食べると力が出ます。毎日一生懸命食べながら3冊目の絵本を作りました。書いて描いた本で『何が見える?』『ガム甲羅独立期』、絵を描いた本では『お父さんのおなら』『僕の弟フィリップ』『私は3年2組7番幼虫』などがあります。



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