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A Spring Breeze


Song Hyunjoo




Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Spring
  • #dandelion
  • #wind
  • #picnic
  • #warmth

Copyright Contact

Kim Byoung Oh

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    210 * 210

This picture book contains the landscape of spring where the dandelions are in their prime.

Book Intro

It is a spring day when the dandelions are in their prime. It seems a child takes a journey with a cat looking for something. He repeatedly expresses his disappointment at each place, saying "I can’t find it." But there are dandelions, daisy fleabanes, fresh-blown clovers, and foxtails in the field. Also, how lovely that the hen and her chicks are going on a spring picnic! Why is he saying he can’t find it? His grandfather who comes out with him searches for it also But it seems too difficult for him. When they are about exhausted, a white butterfly flies into the sky from nowhere. The child stealthily approaches the butterfly. He must have been looking for a butterfly! The butterfly escapes narrowly from the hands of the child and alights on a dandelion. The child doesn’t try to catch it but says "huh?", seeing far away. Aha, there is the field filled with dandelions.

There it is! What he has sought was the dandelions... Huh? Wait a minute. But there were dandelions from the start. Did he miss them? No, that must be not true. They were on the next page, and on the page after next!

About the Author

Song Hyunjoo

(English) When I take a walk with a child, the child is always very good at finding things I have never seen before. They feel so happy at just one tiny ant, one bee eagerly gathering pollen, one wriggly caterpillar, or one small common flower blooming by the road.


(Russian) Когда я иду по дороге с ребенком, он видит то, что я раньше не замечала. Маленький муравей, пчела, которая жадно собирает пыльцу, Извивающаяся гусеница и маленький цветок на обочине дороги, все это доставляет радость.


(French) En marchant lentement, on rencontre des petites silencieuse mais travailleuse et leurs maisons qui ne peuvent pas échapper à la neige ou à la pluie. Les petites qui se disparaissent peu à peu et leurs maisons qui deviennent de plus en plus la terre des gens sont aussi importants que nos maisons. Cet album le contient. Les autres livres illustrés de cet auteur   sont Cache-cache et Brise printanière.



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