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Manual for marketers works for Small Companies


Min Kyung Joo


Sam & Parkers (Sam & Parkers Co., Ltd.)


Business & Economics



Overseas Licensing


  • #economics
  • #business management
  • #marketing
  • #public relations management
  • #content
  • #SNS
  • #social media advertising

Copyright Contact

Bae Hye Lim

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    128 * 188

This book is a how-to manual for marketers with lots to do and much demanded of them, but with no one to show them the way.

Book Intro

This book is an all-purpose marketing survival guide for newbie marketers and accidental marketers alike. From market analysis to content production, advertising, PR, and mind control, this book offers tips on surviving as a marketing professional at a small company with a limited budget and no one to show the way. 

How can a company create more revenue with a small budget? What does marketing mean to people trying to navigate the business environment while working for a small company? It would be great if someone were to provide a clear-cut definition of marketing skills, but unfortunately, the dictionary itself is vague on the subject of marketing. The field is enormously broad and its measure for success is open to interpretation. And yet, marketing is a requisite factor for success in almost every aspect. So what can a small company, with not much capital or human resources, do in terms of marketing savvy to promote its quality products to more consumers and make the sale? For non-marketing majors, the world of marketing can seem even more daunting and challenging. What should smaller companies do? 

Marketers working at smaller firms have so much on their plates. They are tasked with managing existing accounts and bringing new business to the firm while also planning advertising messages, creating content, and working with the press. A Manual for Marketers in Small Companies is an introduction to marketing for newbie experts who are faced with a great challenge even before they’ve had the chance to properly learn the trade. The book provides lessons on how to understand your company’s situation as well as current market trends, and how to create content and use tools to analyze data. It also gives tips on how to make effective use of advertising and PR content. Marketers have to think on their feet and be effective with interpersonal relationships, which is why the book also devotes a chapter to mind control. The author, who has worked as a copywriter, PR professional at a pharmaceutical company, and head of marketing at a solutions provider for e-commerce sites, draws from his own experiences on the frontlines to provide vivid vignettes and helpful insight for new and accidental marketers.


About the Author

Min Kyung Joo

The author has variously worked as a copywriter at an advertising agency, on the PR team at a pharmaceutical company, head of marketing at a solutions provider for online e-commerce sites, and is currently working at a start-up. His many experiences have prepared him for cultivating the best in-the-field marketing tactics. His sparkling wit and well-crafted drawings have garnered him a large following on Brunch and Instagram. For his popular A Manual for Marketers of Small Companies series, Min received the grand prize at the LIFE competition hosted by Kakao. His publications include I Thought the World Would End if I Got Fired.

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