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Jeong Hyeongnam




Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #hometown
  • #tradition
  • #roots

Copyright Contact

Kim Haelim

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    145 * 210

Through the characters who overcome hardship and adversity, this book contemplates the faltering and fading roots and foundations of life.

Book Intro

When Sahyeon’s mother, Dangol-rae, becomes possessed by a spirit, she goes into a rocky cave deep in the mountains—chosen for her by the mountain god—and lives there with her young son. After three years of devotion, she is reborn as a shaman. News of Dangol-rae’s spiritual ability travels far and she becomes the object of envy among many. She acquires wealth through good deeds, hoping to provide for her delinquent son’s future. However, as Dangol-rae continues to establish herself as a successful shaman, Sahyeon gets scorned and ostracized by those around him. 

Thanks to his devoted mother, Sahyeon finishes high school and then begins running a Taekwondo studio in another village. However, a trick played on him by his competitor forces him to close down. On his way back to his hometown on a train, he meets a girl as beautiful as a camellia flower, and soon the two get married. A year later, Sahyeon voluntarily joins the military. After his discharge, his mother’s virtuous departure from this world makes him look back on his own life fraught with anger and disobedience; he vows to protect the shrine where his mother’s spirit resides as a guardian of his hometown.

The story revolves around Sahyeon, but his mother Dangol-rae and his wife Suryeon provide important turning points. Dangol-rae shows kindness and affection to the villagers who used to despise her. In addition, she warmly looks after her daughter-in-law, Suryeon, and makes spiritual and material bequests to the young couple so they can support themselves. 

Sahyeon describes Suryeon as “a woman who resembles an ocean.” Like a resilient ocean, Suryeon becomes the pillar of the family and wisely overcomes hardships. Even when they lose their hard-earned business or encounter natural disasters, she does not hold grudge towards others or lament her fate. Rather, she tries to uphold the spiritual legacy of her late mother-in-law. She shows kindness to others and honors traditions. Suryeon’s words of support and encouragement put Sahyeon back on his feet and help him find hope again—even in the face of harsh reality. 


The two women can be seen as our own mothers, wives, or sisters. The author recognizes female strength through the lives of Dangol-rae and Suryeon.  

About the Author

Jeong Hyeongnam

Jeong Hyeongnam made his literary debut through the journal Contemporary Literature, and won the inaugural Chae Man-sik Literature Award with the 5-part novel South Region. Jeong’s publications include the short story collections Horizontal Man, A General and A Singer, Beautiful Nature, and Roe Deer Dung; the novellas Half Mirror and Tweezers, and A Hundred-pronged River Forms the Sea; the full-length novels Hidden Sunshine, Low People in High Places, The Color of One’s Passion, Pork Belly (2012 Outstanding Cultural Book), and When the Persimmon Falls (2014 Sejong Book).

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