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Run, Darly, Run!
: The Touching Life Story of the World's Most Lovely Puppy


Lee Jieun


Gimm-Young Publishers, Inc.


Humanities & Society
Adolescent Literature
Children's Other Books


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #Pet
  • #dog
  • #photo essay
  • #social media
  • #SNS
  • #growth
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 Russia
  • #Video Conference

Copyright Contact

Lim Heeghang

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    135 * 183

This book is a photo essay about Darly, a seven-year-old Pomeranian who went from being abandoned to having 500,000 followers on social media.

Book Intro


(Russian) Беги, Дарли, беги!

«Беги, Дарли, беги!» - это эссе о развитии, созданное Дарли и Даль-сук, которое содержит запись с момента усыновление щенка Дарли до настоящего времени, который был любим многими людьми. Процесс встречи робкой собаки с новым владельцем и превращения его в настоящую семью, а также запечатлены теплым взглядом маленькие и душераздирающие моменты, которые происходят, когда люди и собаки вместе.


(English) Run, Darly, Run!

Darly is no ordinary seven-year-old Pomeranian. Not only does she have a major following on social media, but she's also starred in public service advertisements for Korea Housing & Urban Guarantee Corporation while being an honorary ambassador for Incheon International Airport, too.

It wasn't always a life of happiness for Darly, however. She was abandoned at a veterinary hospital in January 2013 after losing a leg in an accident. Facing possible euthanasia, Darly had a fateful meeting with Lee Jieun, her future owner, and her life turned completely around.

She first received her new name, "Darly." Darly, a homophone of the Korean word for "run," was given to her as inspiration to keep moving forward despite her disability. Soon after, Darly became a star on social media due to her amazing ability to mimic people's facial expressions.

The changes brought on by Darly were not just about her fame. The biggest change was the life of Lee, the author. Lee, who had a painful childhood and felt that she had grown up too fast, saw herself in Darly.

Both Darly and Lee tried hard to open their minds and overcome their pain. Lee loved Darly with all her heart. Darly's face, once dark and grim, began to brighten, and a glimmer returned to her eyes. A newfound vigor had sprung up for Darly. This book is a particularly meaningful essay because it reflects not only Darly's but also the author's own growth. Lee has learned responsibility through Darly and is finally becoming a true adult. Run, Darly! is an essay about the growth of a dog and her owner, from the moment she was adopted to the day she was loved by millions of people. It's a heartbreaking yet heartwarming story about a timid puppy and a troubled soul who meet through chance and learn the true meaning of family.


(Indonesian) Larilah, Darly!

Setelah kehilangan kaki karena kecelakaan yang tidak disengaja dan dibuang oleh pemiliknya, seperti takdir ia dipertemukan dengan kak Dalsook. Namanya Darly, Ia berlari kapan pun dengan berani dan penuh tenaga walaupun tubuhnya tidak lengkap. Cerita tentang proses menjadi keluarga sejati dari anak anjing yang dulunya sangat penakut dan berhati-hati lalu bertemu dengan pemilik baru serta saat-saat yang walaupun biasa saja tetapi mengharukan dari kehidupan anjing dan manusia dengan pandangan yang menghangatkan.


(Japanese) 走れ、ダリ!



About the Author

Lee Jieun


(English) Author Lee Jieun is often called by her nickname, Ms. Dalsook. Born as the daughter of a billiard room owner, Lee has played pool with adults since she was in elementary school. Lee thought she had become an adult as she lost games with customers on purpose after she learned from her dad that she should never win more than one game consecutively when playing against customers. Her first memory of liking someone is when she joined the fan club of a politician in her sophomore year in high school. Naturally, Lee majored in law at college. Even though Lee met various kind of people through her life in schools or society, the one that changed her life the most is a puppy she met in 2013. Through her dog Dali, she is finally in the process of becoming a true adult.


(Russian) Меня зовут Даль Сук. Стала так себя называть, потому что имя старшей сестры “Дали”. Маленькая собачка, которую мы завели в 2013 году, больше всего изменила мою жизнь. Благодаря Дали я учусь ответственности и теперь становлюсь взрослой.


(Indonesian) Ia dipanggil dengan nama "kak Dalsook". Ia menjadi Dalsook ketika ia teringat nama dan perasaan menjadi kakak perempuan yang menuliskan bagian nama depan dari Darly. Ia bertemu dengan banyak orang baik di rumah atau sekolah tetapi pertemuan kecil dengan seekor anak anjing lah yang paling mengubah hidupnya. Berkat Darly, Ia belajar bertanggung jawab dan saat ini barulah ia merasa sedang menuju proses kedewasaan.


(Japanese) ‘ダルスク姉さん’というニックネームで呼ばれる。ダリ名前の前文字を入れた一番上のお姉さん感じの名前を思い出してダルスク姉さんになった。学校や社会で数多くの人々に出会うが、2013年に会った子犬が人生を大きく変えてしまった。ダリを通じて責任感を学び、やっと大人になっていく最中だ。

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