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Why Do Koreans Eat Like This?
: History of Korean Food Culture Seen from the Way of Eating


Joo Young ha


Humanist Publishing Group Inc.


Humanities & Society


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing



  • #Way of eating
  • #table manners
  • #Korean culture
  • #Korean food
  • #Hansik (Korean food)
  • #Korean history
  • #history
  • #2020 Visiting Japan

Copyright Contact

Lim Jaehee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    152 * 225

It tells about the true Korean food culture through the history of the Korean way of eating that seems strange to foreigners from the moment people take off their shoes and sit in a restaurant to the time they leave with a cup of coffee in hand as dessert.

Book Intro

(Japanese) 食べ物をテーブルいっぱいに並べて、不便な両脚姿勢で座ってみんな一緒にチゲを食べ、杯は回さないと本来の味が出ないという韓国人!韓国人はいつからこのように食べたのだろうか?韓国人の体になれた食事方法と習慣についていろんな資料を渉猟し、再構成して解いたこの本を通じて韓国人の食事方法に対する歴史はもちろん、本当の韓国人の食文化に触れることができる。


Koreans sit cross-legged at a table full of food, eat jjigae (stew) together with a spoon and say that it is best served when a glass cup is passed around. The Korean way of eating is unfamiliar and strange to the eyes of foreigners. From when did Koreans eat like this? Professor Joo Young-ha, who has examined the Korean food culture history with the idea, ‘Food as a meal is everyday, but food as culture and history is humanities,’ looks at and traces the origin of the ‘Korean way of eating’ for the first time.

Why do they take off shoes and eat in a room? Why do they sit cross-legged? Why do they eat at a low table? Why does every household have a large dining table? Why is there an ideal spot for a get-together? Why did so many pottery vessels disappear? Why do they scoop rice into a stainless steel bowl? Why do they use a spoon and chopsticks together? Why do they eat at a table full of food? Why do they eat rice and side dishes at once? Why do they have to have coffee after a meal? Why do they pass around a glass cup? Why do they drink with a meal? The Korean way of eating that looks okay to Koreans is unfamiliar and strange to foreigners. Find the answers to these questions and more in this book.

This book compares the Korean way of eating to that of neighboring Asian countries as well as several European countries from ancient times to modern times and thereby examines what historical process Koreans went through to form the Korean way of eating today by means of the research method of comparative cultural history. You will meet not only the history of the Korean way of eating from the moment people take off shoes and sit in a restaurant to the moment they leave with a cup of coffee in hand as dessert, but also a true Korean food culture through stories about the Korean eating habits, table setting and changing appetites.

About the Author

Joo Young ha

(English) Folklore & Food Culture specialist. Professor in the Faculty of Culture and Arts at the Graduate School of Korean Studies, the Academy of Korean Studies.


(Japanese) 食べ物を文化と人文学、歴史学の視線で解釈し、研究する食人文学者。西江大学で歴史学を、漢陽大学大学院で文化人類学を勉強し、中国中央民族大学大学院民族学・社会学大学で<中国四川省涼山イ族の伝統漆器研究>で民俗学(文化人類学)博士学位を取得した。韓国学中央研究員・韓国学大学院民族学担当教授に在職している。

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