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My Summer


Shin Hyewon




Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Summer
  • #life
  • #poem

Copyright Contact

Park Sunjoo

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    215 * 280

Small living things sing about the beauty of summer.

Book Intro

Big and small living things sing about summer. This book conveys the vivid summer atmosphere, when you hear the sound of bugs, smell the soil, feel the heat, and enjoy the refreshing summer breeze. This is a bright, dazzling summer like the glow of fireflies that embroiders the night sky.

About the Author

Shin Hyewon

(Indonesian) Sin Hye Won lahir pada tahun 1964 di Euisong Provinsi Gyeongbuk dan lulus s1 lukisan bergaya barat di Ewha womans university. Buku yang sudah ia terbitkan antar lain ' air mata tuhan', 'anak yang tumbuh sendirian', 'Kkaebi Kkaebi goblin sungguhan', 'gunung yang terkunci di kencing'. dll.


(English) Summer is in full bloom in the garden of the author's parents. The summer hidden here and there in the shade is a small, great, beautiful world. The author published her first picture book, My Summer, so that readers can feel the luxuriance of the green plants and cooling shade.

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