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An Inquiry into the Environmental Doomsday Clock
: A Story about Climate Change and the Environment for a Kind Society


Park Sukhyun

Won Hey-jin


Blue Bicycle Publishing Co.


Children's Other Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Environment
  • #Environmental Doomsday Clock
  • #climate change
  • #global warming
  • #greenhouse gas
  • #sustainable development
  • #renewable energy
  • #energy conservation

Copyright Contact

Kim Yeonsoo

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    173 * 224

A look into the main culprits of climate change, the root of all environmental problems on Earth, and its devastating results, and into why we need to act and change all our ways of life to revive the Earth and secure the future

Book Intro

When the hands of the Earth’s “Doomsday Clock”—a clock that shows how bad the Earth’s environment is—points to midnight, the Earth’s fate will be sealed. Right now, the Earth’s Environmental Doomsday Clock is pointing to 9:33 p.m. With less than three hours remaining, the book portrays the world with the Doomsday Clock and examines climate change, an important environmental issue that makes the clock tick faster. The book also introduces the main culprits of climate change, which causes every environmental problem on Earth, as well as their devastating results, eventually explaining why we need to act and change our ways of life to revive the Earth and protect the future.

For change, we need to identify the cause of the crisis, feel the need to act in order to heal the cause, and personally take action. We hope you will take your first step into changing your thoughts and putting them into practice in your life with An Inquiry into the Environmental Doomsday Clock: A Story about Climate Change and the Environment for a Kind Society.


An Inquiry into the Environmental Doomsday Clock is composed of four chapters: what is climate; environmental changes due to climate change; changes in our lives to stop the Doomsday Clock; and the world’s efforts to turn back the Environmental Doomsday Clock.

Listen to experts in the field vividly explain why climate change occurs, how we should live in an age of ongoing climate change, and what we can do to slow down climate change to prevent the damage from growing. This book was planned and written over several years in order to lead readers to a life of small changes they can practice, and thus it is a book on the environment that seeks change and action.

About the Author

Park Sukhyun

Park Sukhyun currently runs the Sustainable System Institute, after working at the Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies, a specialized institute of the Korea Federation of Environmental Movements. Park personally participates in environmental governance as a member of the Central Environmental Policy Committee of the Ministry of Environment and the Citizens’ Green Seoul Committee of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, and actively works with non-government organizations as a member of the International Cooperation Committee of the Korea Federation of Environmental Movements and of the Education Committee of the private Environmental Education Center and the Eco-Peace Leadership Center.

Won Hey-jin

Artist Won Hey-jin (F) spent her childhood reading comics as the textbooks of her life. She received grand prize at the Buchoenn International Comics Festival for her historical comic Ah! Palestine. Books she has illustrated for include The Greatest Best Friend, The Worst Best Friend's Younger Brother; and An Alligator Who Built a House with Books. 

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