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Seo Seongran




Literature & Fiction


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #Novel
  • #Novelist
  • #Creativity
  • #Writing
  • #India
  • #Travel

Copyright Contact

Kang Sugeul

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    140 * 205

The story takes place in an unfamiliar town, and is about the search for Lee Seol, a writer who has disappeared without being able to finish her novel, despite having the perfect environment to write.

Book Intro

According to Indian myth, Ganesha, the god of wisdom who has the head of an elephant and the body of a human is selected as the perfect scribe to transcribe the poem of Vyasa. Vyasa recites his poem without pausing, and when his writing tool breaks while transcribing, Ganesha pulls out his tooth to continue transcribing. 

Inspired by this Indian myth, the author delves into a wild question that could very well be regarding herself. 

“Would a partner like Ganesha who helped Vyasa’s poems find its way to print, make it possible for me to write a brilliant piece of work?”

All writers probably have the perfect “writer’s room” that they dream of. With this question, Lee Seol suddenly is lucky enough to get this kind of perfect “writer’s room” and the author follows the traces of Lee Seol, looking for answers.

 “I” am searching for the writer Lee Seol, who vanished after finishing her short story, [The Novelist’s Wife], in the “writer’s room.” Lee Seol has left me with an unfinished novel, which begins with the strange encounter at the Shiva café, with a man named Jin who wears a necklace of Ganesha.

Lee Seol accepts the man’s offer to enter the writer’s room. And the writer’s room provides the perfect environment to focus on her writing without being bothered by anyone. However, she experiences conflict with the lady who comes to cook and clean, and her writing is halted.

I follow along the unfinished story and try to track Lee Seol and Jin, which brings me to encounter the novel’s characters one by one. On one particular day during this search, I notice I’m being followed by a stranger with an orange shawl. I learn that the maid who appears in the novel is the wife of the novelist M, and predict that the reason Lee Seol is gone is because of the novelist’s wife.

I come to suffer memory loss due to an automobile accident, and have to be tested for severe headaches and ear ringing. I realize that a tumor has been growing in my head since long ago. In the course of treatment, I am able to remember Lee Seol, her novel, and the meeting with novelist M. And I embark on the task of finishing the story Lee Seol could never finish, in a new way.

About the Author

Seo Seongran

(English) Seo was born in Iksan in 1967, and grew up in Sadang-dong in Seoul. She studied Korean literature at Seogyung University, and received her MD in creative writing at Chung-ang University.

She debuted as the recipient of the Silcheon Literature New Writer award with Grandma’s Peace, in 1996. Her books include A Room Memory, Paprika, A Bedless Woman, and she has also written novels such as A Moon That Never Goes Away, A Special Guest, The Seventh Twenty Years Old, A Good-Year Restaurant Recipe, Sseu-eong, etc. 


(French) Je suis née à Iksan et a grandi à Séoul. J'ai étudié la littérature et la langue coréennes à l'université Seokyeong et ai terminé mes études en master et doctorat en écriture créative de l'école supérieure à l'université Chung-Ang. Je suis diplômé de doctorat par "La recherche sur la narration des femmes mariées migrantes du roman coréen". En 1996, en remportant le prix du jeune talent de la littérature pratique pour le roman court "La grande-mère et la paix". J'ai publié les collections de nouvelles pièces "Mémoire sur la chambre", "Paprika", "La fille sans lit" et les grands romans "Le mois où tous ne dispraît pas", "Invité spécial", "Le septième 20 ans" et "La recette du restaurant Punnyeon" etc. 


Recipient of grant from the Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation in 2018

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