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English Conversation, The Miracle of 100 Days


Moon Sunghyun


NEXUS Co., Ltd.




Young Adult

Overseas Licensing

Chinese (Traditional)


  • #English
  • #English conversation
  • #pronunciation
  • #learning
  • #self-development
  • #bestseller

Copyright Contact

Chung Hyejin

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    148 * 210

"A 100-day project to speak English for those who have been stuck as novices for 10 years or even given up on English! (1) An English novice for 10 years? Escape being a novice just in 100 days! (2) Three-dimensional studying in which you see, hear and speak with ""book + lecture + speaking practice"" (3) Explanation lectures by coach Moon' are provided (4) 6 sets of free learning materials to help you learn more abundantly and confidently (See www.nexusbook.com) The book presents the miraculous 100-day studying method. 1. Before starting Days 001-005, take a look at the expressions to be learnt every day in advance. 2. Check today's expression, which changes every day. 3. Increase the effect of studying with MP3s recorded by a native speaker and the lecture recorded by the author 4. Practice the main expressions to be learnt today and the nuances of native speakers in real-life dialogues 5. Develop speaking skills with Mini Dialogues that include the key expressions to be learnt today 6. After Days 001-005, review what you have learnt as you answer the Review Quiz"

Book Intro

A bestseller! The miracle of 100 days of English conversation. I can speak English after 100 days!

English Conversation, The Miracle of 100 Days is an English learning project for novice English speakers and those who have given up on English. With MP3 files, learners can check pronunciations while listening to a recording by a native speaker, and listening skills can be tested with included selection of important sentences.

About the Author

Moon Sunghyun

Moon Sunghyun is a popular English podcast lecturer. He was born and raised in Korea and majored in Architecture, which has nothing to do with English. After graduating from university, he became skeptical about English tests which he had prepared for to get a job, because he couldn't speak a word of English. His craving for practical English led him to start researching English studying methods. To correct the English education in Korea, which has been degraded into a tool for getting a job and improving one's career, he has been operating an on-line cafe for over 15 years and is studying a coaching method to improve English proficiency for Koreans. At present, he is providing free lectures on, for example, English conversations, travel English and English news via EBS, YouTube and Podcast to spread "the know-hows of being good at English."


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