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Stairway to Space
: (Russian) Лестница, ведущая в космос


Jeon Soo Kyung

So Yoonkyoung


Changbi Publishers, Inc.


Fairy Tale Books


6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #space
  • #children's novels
  • #SF
  • #2020 Moscow International Book Fair

Copyright Contact

Ally Bang

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    152 * 223

After losing her family in an accident, a girl who falls into a science theory approaches the secret of the universe as a neighbor's grandmother disappears.

Book Intro

(Russian) Лестница, ведущая в космос

Девочка, потерявшая всю свою семью, учит теорию параллельной вселенной, и приходит к выводу, что ее семья теперь живет в другой вселенной и находит в этом утешение. Вслед за этим исчезает старуха-физик, с кем девочка хорошо дружила, и после этого она вдруг получает странное сообщение с секретными кодами. В книге упомянаются такие сложные научные понятия как гравитация, квантовая механика, теория относительности, но автор их очень интересно объясняет доступными для детей словами. Кроме того, автор еще часть книги приводит подробные объяснения и тем самым читателям становится ещё интереснее.


(English) Stairway to Space

Jisoo, who is in mourning after losing her whole family in an accident, falls into the "parallel theory of space," which claims that there is a world other than our own. The belief that her family is living happily in another universe is a great comfort to her. After a while, she meets a physicist grandmother, on the stairs of her apartment. They become best friends and Jisoo starts to get her life back to normal. But one day, the grandmother suddenly disappears, leaving only a coded message. Jisoo, who doesn't want to lose another loved one, begins to investigate into the disappearance of the grandmother and decipher clues she left with her friends. 

The writer, Jeon Soo Kyung, set off on her career after she won the 23rd Changbi Good Children's Book Contest in the children's story category with her book A Stairway to Space. Like one review implies, it is "a work that can change the paradigm of SF literature." Jeon presents us an exciting narrative of a science-loving protagonist crossing back and forth between science fiction and mystery. An incredible imagination stretching out into space immerses a reader into reading, and the process of solving problems through various scientific theories provides the reader with a thrilling pleasure. 

In A Stairway to Space, science is a beautiful world that brings depth ans richness to a life. Scenes that harmoniously blend the main character's daily life with complex scientific theories, and those that reveal the beauty of science in a way that only literature can do make us understand why critics say that it is a "story about humans not trapped in science fiction." Even child readers who are struggling with science will become immersed in the fascinating world as they follow the story of Jisoo.   

About the Author

Jeon Soo Kyung

(Russian) Чон Сугён родилась в провинции Кёнсан-Пукто в городке Кунви и выросла в городах Ысон и Кочан. Она закончила Сеульский государственный университет по специальности сельскохозяйства , после университета она работала в журнале и в пиар компании, позже она закончила курс по мастерству детской литературы "Хангёре". А в 2018 году она получила главный приз 23-ой Премии хорошей детской книги  Чанби в номинации рукописи детской сказки, а после этого выходит в свет ее первая книга «Лестница, ведущая в космос».  


(English) Jeon Soo Kyung (F) was born in 1974 in North Geyongsang Province and grew up in Uiseong and Geochang. She graduated from Seoul National University with a degree in Agricultural Home Economics, worked for a magazine company and a public relations company, and studied at Hankyoreh Children's Literature Writer School.

So Yoonkyoung

(English) One of handful of authors from Andromeda who live scattered on Earth. The author aims to purify the mind human beings through spreading mysterious picture books and prevent their destructive behaviors caused by ignorance. She also dreams of living as a travelor and adventurer. The author has participated in many individual and group modern art competitions, with creative work such as 『Galactic Hell』, 『Sooyeon』, 『Hotel Paradise』 ,『Restaurant Sal』. Through a picture book author society “The Vacance Project”, the author has self published 『The Snail Bride』, 『Portrait of Traditional People』, and 『A Pretty Fox』. She majored in Painting at Hongik University, and art at the Paris National University. 

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