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The Funniest Origami in The World
: Easy Toy Craft with a Single Origami Paper!


Lee WonPyo




Children's Other Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #origami
  • #infant education
  • #play education
  • #elementary education
  • #brain development
  • #art play
  • #origami
  • #origami book

Copyright Contact

Kang Bokyung

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    220 * 240

175 works, from basic to advanced, complete in one volume! It is an origami encyclopedia that contains 175 artworks that can be shared by the whole family, from infants who start origami to adults who want high quality of works. The difficult process can be easily followed through vivid photos and videos, and it is easy to choose the works as they are classified according to the folding method and the number of folding times.

Book Intro

My children have changed! He does not want a smartphone or character toy! From animals that kids love, through role playing items to moving toys,

You can make all the toys in the world only with a piece of paper!

Published by the best origami master in Korea on Youtube, Uncle Square!

175 works, from basic to advanced, complete in one volume!

Origami can be enjoyed by people of all ages, anywhere, anytime, as long as they have colored paper. Given that many children are addicted to smartphones these days, it is good that children can immerse themselves in other forms of play without using a smartphone. But origami is not just a game or hobby. Actively using your fingertips is good for brain development, which leads to the development of learning ability. Dozens of steps children must follow help children to develop concentration and endurance. You can gain mental stability in the process of immersion. The activity of folding also develops visual thinking, spatial perception and geometric and mathematical thinking. In addition, imagination and creativity can be improved in the process of applying various techniques, decorating and collecting finished pieces, and composing new ones.

 If you're finding yourself handing a smartphone over to a child without thinking, or you're in financial bind to buy a character toy for your kid, start origami instead. With paper, you can make all the toys in the world.

About the Author

Lee WonPyo

As a child, Lee WonPyo (M) bought his first origami book with saved pocket money. After that, he bought a lot of colored paper and did origami all day and night until the passion withered due to the toxicity of the colored paper.

As a grown-up, as working at a fashion company, he was inspired by the costume pattern and resumed origami. Currently, from various platforms such as YouTube, Naver TV, and M-gun, he delivers origami pleasure to 200,000 subscribers. His books include the World's funniest origami and Square Uncle's Paper Wings.

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