- Overview
This book presets a fascinating encounter between science and popular culture, from Frankenstein to AI.
- Book Intro
This book discovers the issues of science and different perspectives hidden in modern classics and masterpieces, such as Dr. Strangelove, Ghost In the Shell, Frankenstein and Brave New World. Science is inextricably linked to our culture, and science is constantly intersecting with humanities in our daily lives. Rather than complex theories and formulas, there is an exciting feast of science to be found in culture.
This is the second book of the series Great Lectures that are Available Without Having to Go to Seoul National University." The series, which includes popular lectures selected by Seoul National University students and covers interdisciplinary contents, is also available through offline lectures and podcasts.
- About the Author
Hong Sungook
(English) Hong Sung-ook is a science communicator and technologist. He graduated from Seoul National University with a major in Physics and master's and doctorate degrees in Science and Philosophy. He worked as professor at the University of Toronto, Canada, and is currently professor at Seoul National University. He is studying human and civilization in the post-human era to be opened by AI in the Post Human Research Group under the partnership of Seoul National University and Hanshin University. He also studies the responsibility and ethics of AI with the Korea Institute for Advanced Study.
His books include Hong Sung-ook's STS, Listening to Science; The Hidden History of Science in Pictures; Science with Human Faces; and Let's Imagine Science, and he co-authored The Ghost of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, What is Convergence?, Super Humanity and 21st Century Culture, Science and Technology and Society. His translations include Pandora's Hope and the Structure of the Scientific Revolution.(Japanese) ソウル大科学学科教授。「科学技術と社会ネットワーク」運営委員長、ブックレビュー専門誌『ソウルレビューオブブックス』の編集長を務めている。著書として『クロス・サイエンス』、『ポストヒューマンオデッセイ』などがある。
(Russian) Ученый в области науки и техники. Окончил факультет физики Сеульского национального университета и получил степень магистра и доктора наук по истории и философии науки. Книги автора: “Cross Science”, “Posthuman Odyssey”, “STS от Хон Сон Ук, Слушаем науку” и “The Hidden History of Science in Pictures”. Некоторые книги, такие как “Будущее не придет”, “Superhumanity”, “Think with Science” и “Structure of the Scientific Revolution” и “Pandora”s Hope” были написаны в соавторстве.