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Our Bodies Are Still Prehistoric


Kwon Youngchul


Gimm-Young Publishers, Inc.





Overseas Licensing


  • #Health management
  • #evolutionary medicine
  • #diet
  • #health

Copyright Contact

Lim Heeghang

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    145 * 210

This book teaches us about our constitution, gene types and methods for proper health management.

Book Intro

Evolutionary medicine looks at heath from the perspective of "how did the human body change and adapt to the environment to survive?" 

It analyzes how the modern day people get diseases from an evolutionary medical perspective. It also introduces unique and clear prescriptions of diet, healthy lifestyle, exercise and attitudes that can help recover the lost health and lives of modern day people.

According to the author, the reason we get diseases is because our body fails to keep up with our living habits. In other words, while our body is still in the analog stage of prehistory, our living habits have developed tremendously. Our body needs help from bacteria within our gut because we cannot digest rough vegetables on our own, yet we consume expensive Bifidus in order to acquire the beneficial bacteria. In the end, the imbalance of bacteria within our gut weakens our body, and our organs suffer severe damage. Also, our body has a gene that suppresses hunger until we successfully hunt something, but consuming food at a fixed time even before our body feels hungry causes obesity and various forms of inflammation. 

This book is about maintaining good health, and it recommends that we carefully look at the messages from genes that our body remembers. In particular, it emphasizes the importance of paying attention to your family history, their lifestyle, the food enjoyed by your parents and your family's medical history rather than listening to methods of health management introduced in TV advertisements or the media. 

This book introduces common treatments and practical prescriptions for mild diseases, chronic diseases and critical disease that threaten lives while answering many different questions people have about health.

About the Author

Kwon Youngchul

Kwon Youngchul (M) studied medicine in Korea and Canada. He used to study law and business, and lived his life under the constant pressure to succeed. Then he came across evolutionary medicine, which was a huge turn in his life. Understanding the differences between the species that survived and those that went extinct, he decided to share the secret of nature's survival from its 4.5 billion year old mentor, earth. Later, he became the CEO of the restaurant company Dr. Robbin. Recently he began to share the secrets of happiness and success that he learned from nature to youngsters who consider their lives to be insignificant and who are still trying to find their own path.

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