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Ian, the Blue Boy


Lee So-Young




Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing



  • #diversity
  • #harmony
  • #consideration
  • #Korean Picture Books Recognized by the World
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 Russia
  • #Video Conference
  • #consignment
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Indonesia

Copyright Contact

Irene Lee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    200 * 265

This book tells the story of a world where people live in harmony by respecting each other's diversity.

Book Intro

(English) Ian, the Blue Boy

Ian was born with a big blue spot on his face. Mom and dad were worried because of Ian's blue face. When Ian questions his Mom about why his face is different, she tells him that everybody is born with their own color and people can see that color if it is strong. Since then, Ian has believed that his color is blue and he starts to obsess over the color. Whenever he sees a blue object, he thinks it is his. 

One day at kindergarten, Ian meets Longi, who has red cheeks and red hair, and becomes best friends with her. Other friends, seeing Ian and Longi playing with blue and red paints together, happily paints their faces with their favorite colors.  In no time, the children have big colorful smiles on their faces. Ian, who was busy coloring for quite awhile, is startled at his reflection in the mirror. The blue spot on his face has disappeared! Ian draws the color blue in his heart by painting the mirror with a blue paint.


(Spanish/español) Ian, el niño azul

Desde su nacimiento, Ian tiene un lunar grande y azul en la cara. Sus padres se preocupan mucho por la cara azul de su hijo pero le cuentan que todos 

nacen con un color especial.

A partir de entonces, Ian cree que su color es el azul y está obsesionado con él. Un día, Ian conoce a Longi, un niño con mejillas rojas y pelo rojo en 

el jardín de infantes. Ian, el niño azul y Longi, el rojo se convierten en íntimos amigos. Al ver a Ian y Longi jugar con pinturas azules y rojas, los otros 

compañeros se divierten pintando sus caras con los colores favoritos y de pronto se ponen coloridos con unas sonrisas llenas de alegría. 

Ian, que lleva mucho tiempo jugando con los colores, se sorprende al ver su cara reflejada en el espejo. La mancha azul había desaparecido de su 

rostro. Ian pinta el espejo y su corazón de azul.


(French) Ian le garçon bleu



(Russian) Синий малыш Ян



(Indonesian) Iyan memiliki tompel biru besar di wajahnya sejak lahir. Ibu dan Ayahnya khawatir dengan wajah biru Iyan. Ketika Iyan mempertanyakan wajahnya yang berbeda dengan orang lain, ibunya memberi penjelasan bahwa setiap orang terlahir dengan warna mereka sendiri dan warna yang terang akan menarik perhatian banyak orang. Sejak saat itu, Ian percaya warna biru adalah warna khusus dirinya, hingga Ia terobsesi dengan segala yang berwarna biru. Ketika Ia melihat barang-barang berwarna biru, Ia meyakini semua itu miliknya.

Suatu hari, Iyan bertemu Long, seorang anak dengan kedua pipi dan rambut berwarna merah di sekolah TK. Si anak biru Iyan dan si anak merah Long akhirnya menjadi sahabat dekat. Teman-teman lain yang menyaksikan Iyan dan Long bermain bersama dengan cat lukis warna biru dan merah, ikut bersenang-senang dengan mengoleskan cat warna favorit masing-masing ke wajah mereka. Wajah mereka langsung menjadi berwarna-warni dengan berbagai macam rupa senyum menghiasi wajahnya. 

Iyan jatuh cinta dengan permainan warna dan terkejut sesaat melihat wajahnya terpantul di cermin. Noda biru menghilang dari wajahnya. Iyan melukis dengan warna biru di cermin dan menyimpan warna biru di hatinya."


About the Author

Lee So-Young

(English) Lee So-Young is making stories living in Korea and France. Her picture book Beyond the Shadow was selected as Illustrator of the Year of the 2014 Bologna Children’s Book Fair, The Blue Boy, Ian was selected as the Korean entry to the Good Books for Children with Disabilities category in the 2018 International Board on Books for Young People, and The Chimney Ghost was selected to be the Korean entry to the 2019 Biennial of Illustration Bratislava. In 2021, My Summer received the White Ravens Award. Her works include Wind, It's Okay, My Toad and many others. She tries to capture the feelings, relationships, identity, and losses experienced in life and around her in a picture book. Hello, My Loulou is a story in which she talks about the continuity of relationships that sustain life. This is a story about a world created together by those who need a Loulou and those who become Loulou to someone.


(Chinese) 在韩国和法国学习平面设计,自由设计师。现在专注于绘本创作。作品主要有《影子那边》和《蓝眼孩子利安》、《烟囱鬼怪》、《风》、《Ici, ensemble et maintenant》。凭借《影子那边》被选为2014年博洛尼亚图书展“年度插图画家”;《蓝眼孩子利安》被选为2018年IBBY“送给残疾儿童的好书”的韩国候选作品;《烟囱鬼怪》被选为2019年BIB韩国参展作品。最新作品有《夏天》,同时在《口哨朋友》、《便利店》等童书上作插画。


(Japanese) 絵本『影の向こう』で2014年ボローニャ図書展「今年のイラストレーター」に選ばれ、2021年『夏、』はホワイト・レイブンズ賞に選ばれました。


(French) Elle a étudié le graphisme en Corée et en France et travaille actuellement sur divers travaux en tant qu'écrivaine de livres d'images. Le livre « Beyond the Shadow » a été sélectionné comme « Illustrator of the Year » de Bologne en 2014, et « Ian the Blue Boy » a été sélectionné comme candidat coréen pour « Un bon livre pour les enfants handicapés » en 2018, et « Le fantôme de la cheminée » a été sélectionné comme une entrée coréenne BIB en 2019. Les derniers travaux incluent "Été", et j'ai dessiné des images dans des contes de fées tels que "Amis du sifflet" et "Magasin de proximité".




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