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(English) VUiDEA has secured patents and technologies in the AR (augmented reality) + VR (virtual reality) + hologram field and have developed more than 40 types of children's learning books, as well as books for various experience programs used in theme parks. We won the Seoul Award, for two years in a row in 2018 and 2019, which is awarded only to the best products of the year in Seoul. Based on such recognition, our products have been exported to Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Thailand, etc., and especially in China, mainly being sold at Jingdong.com. In Indonesia, our products are licensed and sold in more than 200 Kompas Gramedia bookstores, which is the biggest publishing label nationwide. In 2021, we have successfully released three series such as <Landmark Live! Asia>, <Europe>, <North America>, <AR Coloring Book>, etc. We are also distributing them to large bookstores, kindergartens, elementary schools, and libraries in Korea.   (Japanese) ビュアイデア (株)ビュアイデアは、2013年9月、拡張現実とバーチャル‐リアリティー、ホログラムおよび教育工学理論の専門家たちで構成された重要開発者たちが集まって始まった会社で、幼児および小学生に海外の先進化された教育方法の提示と集中力の向上、外国語学習能力を図るための多様なモバイル技術と学習カリキュラムを作るために、「ColorPopUp」ブランドを開発することになりました。   (Indonesian) Kami telah mendapatkan paten dan teknologi di bidang AR(augmented reality) + VR(virtual reality) + Hologram, serta mengembangkan lebih dari 25 jenis buku pembelajaran anak-anak maupun buku tentang berbagai program yang berkaitan dengan taman bermain, dll. Kami juga berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan Seoul Awards, sebuah penghargaan dari pemerintah kota metropolitan Seoul yang diberikan kepada produk-produk terbaik selama dua tahun berturut-turut pada tahun 2018 dan 2019.  Berbekal pengalaman ini, produk kami telah diekspor ke berbagai negara seperti Indonesia, China, Taiwan, dan Thailand. Di China saat ini, produk kami dipasarkan melalui platform JD.com, dan toko buku terbesar di Indonesia yaitu Kompas Gramedia sudah memiliki lisensi produk kami dan menjualnya di lebih dari 200 toko mereka di seluruh Indonesia. Pada tahun 2022, kami berencana untuk meluncurkan 2 buku AR accordion untuk pertama kalinya di dunia, dan 22 judul buku lainnya termasuk 10 judul buku berkaitan dengan “Olympic negara dinosaurus”, dan 10 judul lainnya tentang “Dingo and Friends”.

Kim Hadong


Featured Works

Landmark Live! -Europe/North America

3D Coloring - Playing House (Girl's Room)

3D Coloring - Playing House (Living Room Pack)

Landmark Live! -AR Coloring Book

Landmark Live! -Asia

3D Coloring - Dinosaur ColoringBook (Herbivorous)

3D Coloring Book - Dinosaur Sketchbook (Carnivores)

3D Coloring - Playing House (Ballet Dress Pack)

3D Coloring Book - Dinosaur Sketchbook (Full Pack)

(French) Coloriage 3D - Playing House 2

3D Coloring Book - PlayingHouse 2 (Pink Pack)

3D Coloring Book - PlayingHouse 2 (Kitchen)

3D Coloring Book - PlayingHouse 2 (Girl's Room)

3D Coloring - Playing House 2 (Boy's Room Pack)

3D Coloring - Playing House (Boy's Room)

(French) Coloriage 3D - Playing House 2

3D Coloring Book - PlayingHouse 2 (Ballet Dress)

3D Coloring Book - Dinosaur Sketchbook (Herbivores)

3D Coloring - Playing House (The Kitchen Pack)

3D Coloring Book - PlayingHouse 2 (Blue Pack)

3D Coloring - Dinosaur ColoringBook (Carnivores)

3D Coloring Dinosaur Sketchbook (Herbivorous)

3D Coloring Book - PlayingHouse 2 (Living Room)

3D Coloring Book - PlayingHouse 2 (Boy's Room)

3D Coloring - Playing House 2 (Girl's Room Pack)

3D Coloring - Playing House (The Living Room)