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Head and Heather


Sung Cho




Art & Culture



Overseas Licensing


  • #Popular Culture
  • #Graphic Novel
  • #Comics
  • #Imagination
  • #Biotechnology
  • #Cinematic Story

Copyright Contact

Annie Choi

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    185 * 257

Modern-day Frankenstein! The dichotomy of human and god, body and mind collapses, is replaced by desires of humankind and capitalism.

Book Intro

(English) Head and Heather

Sung Cho is a storyboard artist for film and TV series. Through his first graphic novel Head and Heather, he presents the readers with the enchanting world of graphic novels. The protagonist is a Head, who has the body of an adult but is slow-witted. While trying to save a black cat from danger, Head loses a leg. The guardian of Head, Dr. Myeong-jun Oh, who made a great achievement in biotechnology back in his days, regenerates Head's damaged body using a unique medical technology. However, the cat dies right after a brief communication in animal language with Head. Ever since witnessing this death, Head starts gaining human qualities. Meanwhile, a corpse of a murder victim gets reborn by Dr. Oh as a being called Heather. Head is frightened by this new, strange creature, but Heather becomes a significant being that expands the consciousness of Head. Head and Heather are surrounded by people who exchange life for technology, set a price to life, and have selfish views on life. But these two choose to live as altruistic humans making their own decisions, not merely as a technological outcome produced by a scientist. From the very start Head and Heather runs towards the sentiment of the very last page and is a work in which Sung Cho's experiences are mixed with emotions in which imaginations begin with "if."

About the Author

Sung Cho

(English) While studying film in a foreign country, Cho realized that there are other people and things aside from himself. He is a storyboard artist for film and TV series. He is preparing for his next work whenever he can find time.


Film Director Bong Joon-ho, 2022: Unpredictable humor and gruesome violence that wriggle in thick lines. It's a new starting point for graphic novels that revolt with dark energy.

Film Director Ryoo Seung-wan, 2022: A true masterpiece that drills through the heart, grotesque sadness and dynamic finesse unraveling with imagination. Already looking forward to his next work.

Actor Koo Kyo-hwan, 2022: A guide to entering the wonderful world of Sung Cho. My lost inspirations have returned. I want to be the first to audition when it gets made into a film.

Bestseller Rank

Ranked the 11th of Top 20 Graphic Novels in July, 2022 on YES24

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