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Today Shop


Han Lakyung

Kim Yu-jin


Noran Sangsang


Picture Books



Overseas Licensing


  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Indonesia
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan

Copyright Contact

Yun Su-ji

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    210 * 210

Book Intro

(Japanese) 今日商お店


こうして飲んだ数多くの今日の中で、とある今日は笑ったり喋ったりする間にすぐに忘れられてしまいます。とある今日は時間が過ぎてほしくないと思うほどに幸せです。また別の今日は、目を背けたいほどに辛い時もあります。しかし、どんな今日でも変わらないたったひとつの事実は、私たちの今日は常に大切だということです。*幼児ベストセラーtop100 10株


(English) Today Shop

In the twilight of dawn, the shop opens. People must stop by and drink a small bottle

of ‘today’ to start a day. Customers start to come. Busy businessman, student, old man,

cute child, they all come to the shop. Among these bottles of 'todays,' some were

forgotten while laughing, some were full of joy that the person wished it to continue

forever, and some were full of pains that the person wanted to avoid. However, there is

one thing that never changes regardless of which bottle of 'today' you drank: 'Our today

is always important.'



Di subuh yang masih gelap, hari ini toko itu dibuka. Orang-orang hanya bisa memulai hari mereka dengan mampir ke toko ini dan minum botol kecil berisi “hari ini”. Satu per satu pelanggan mulai berdatangan. Pekerja kantor yang sibuk, mahasiswa, orang-orang tua, dan anak-anak kecil yang lucu semuanya datang ke toko hari ini. 

Sembari minum, terkadang ada hal yang kita bicarakan membuat kita tertawa namun cepat terlupa. Terkadang ada hari di mana kita begitu bahagia hingga tidak ingin waktu berjalan cepat. Terkadang ada hari yang begitu sulit hingga ingin kita abaikan. Namun satu hal yang tidak berubah setiap harinya adalah hari ini bagi kita selalu berharga.

About the Author

Han Lakyung

Kim Yu-jin

Kim, Yujin studied industrial design at college and worked as a graphic designer at a theme park. Books and illustrations were her two best friends during her childhood. Remembering her own childhood, Kim hopes to make books that present joy to kids. She has illustrated a number of books, including 『A Family That Hides Their Tails』; 『Konga, a Stray Cat』; 『Cats' Museum』; 『The Day You Come』; 『A School that Has a March Brea』k; and 『Forest Wind Library』. Kim is also the author and illustrator of the picture book, 『Choi, the Firefighter Cat』.  

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