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I am a Can


Yang Soo Hong


Balgeunmirae Publishing Co.


Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


Copyright Contact

Song Jaewoo

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    232 * 261

Book Intro

(English) <I am a Can>


Clank, clank, clank! An empty can rolls all around the neighborhood. These are sounds made when people kick the can. Why do people kick empty cans? A child was teased as a ‘peanut’ for being short, ‘buttonhole’ for small eyes, or ‘full moon’ for having a big face became angry and kicked an empty can hard, so the clanking can be heard continuously. The teasing children were probably just joking. But the child that was teased is hurt a lot. This is an illustrated book which explains that the words carelessly said by several children can be hurtful to some by comparing with an empty can.


(中國語/中文) <我是空罐>






(Spanish/español) Soy una lata


¡Tac, Tac, Tac! Las latas vacías andan rodando por el barrio. Es el ruido de las personas constantemente pateando las latas. ¿Por qué las patean? Un chico que es apodado como “maní” por su baja estatura, “agujero del botón” por sus ojos pequeños, “luna llena” por su cara grande, se enfada, patea una lata vacía que ve y se escucha un fuerte ruido. El niño que se burla, seguramente habrá escupido esas palabras desafortunadas de manera involuntaria. Sin embargo, para el chico burlado, le quedará como un gran dolor. Este es un libro de dibujo que mediante una simple lata vacía hace entender que las palabras escupidas sin querer por varios niños, pueden lastimar a otros.

About the Author

Yang Soo Hong

(English) Yang Soo-hong studied Korean traditional painting in college and now teaches art to children and adults while working on various picture book projects. Some of the books she has illustrated include 'The Monster Eating from the Fridge', 'Tigers and Dried Persimmons', 'Poop Geography', 'Elementary School Study Dictionary', 'Seoul, Winter of 1964 and Beyond', and 'Where Love Exists'.

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