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House of Dreams


HEO, A-Sung


Bear Books Inc.


Picture Books
Children's Other Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #imagination
  • #house
  • #sharing
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Indonesia

Copyright Contact

Min Yuree

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    220 * 270

This is the story of a house that every child dreams of, a house that brings joy to all!

Book Intro

(English) House of Dreams

Haein's mother yells at her to stop running around the house, yet again today. Her frustrated yet sympathetic mother sits down with Haein to talk about the house of their dreams. Haein wants to live in a house with a huge backyard where she and her friends can run around and play. She would also like a secret hiding place, a shed perhaps, where she can go and secretly read her mother's diary or stash the objects she most treasures. It'd be great if there was a machine that could help her get ready for school! Haein's mother would like to live in a house that's close to her office, to cut down on her commute time. Haein's father, who is tired from all their weekend trips, would like their house to come complete with a movie theater, an amusement park, and a weekend farm! In Haein's imagination, all of these things can come true. What would Haein's house of dreams look like?


(Indonesian) Ibu Haein berteriak jangan lari-lari di rumah lagi hari ini. Kemudian mereka mulai membicarakan tentang rumah impian mereka. Haein ingin tinggal di rumah dengan halaman belakang yang luas di mana Ia dapat bermain berlarian dengan teman-temanya. Ibu Haein ingin tinggal di rumah yang dekat dengan kantornya. Ayah Haein ingin rumah mereka dilengkapi dengan bioskop, taman hiburan, dan peternakan akhir pekan! Dalam imajinasi Haein, semua ini bisa menjadi kenyataan.

About the Author

HEO, A-Sung

(English) Heo Aseong studied computer engineering in university and subsequently worked in that field. But one day, he wanted to tell good stories with captivating words and illustrations, and now his life revolves around writing and drawing every day. He worked on the illustrations for the Kids Investigation Unit Numbers series and the Strong Reading Comprehension Attained with Vocabulary series, as well as the book Story Poop Fox. He wrote the book I Love You More, More and More, and he wrote and illustrated a number of books, including The Dream Car, The Dream House, It Feels Like I’m Flying, Even a Lion Sometimes, and Kick! I Too Am a Soccer King.


(Chinese) 大学时专业为计算机,毕业后当过计算机工程师。然而,不知从何时起,开始喜欢用有趣的文字和图画为孩子们讲述好故事,于是,现在每天都在写作、作画。曾为《儿童搜查队数字》系列、《利用词汇攻克阅读》系列、《故事粑粑狐狸》等创作插图,撰写过《我更更更爱你》,创作并绘制过《梦想汽车》、《梦想之家》、《好像要飞起》、《狮子偶尔也会》、《嗙!我也是足球王》等。


(Vietnamese) Tác giả thích những câu chuyện, viết và vẽ mỗi ngày. Thỉnh thoảng khi trái tim mình trở nên lah lẫm, hãy thử đặt cho nó một cái tên. Nếu vậy thì không biết chừng sẽ cảm thấy thân thiết hơn. Những cuốn sách tác giả đã viết và vẽ bao gồm "Chiếc xe trong mơ", "Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ bay", "Con voi" và "Đôi khi là sư tử".

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