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The Teacher Turned into a Cat-Human



Lee Seung Beom




Fairy Tale Books
Fairy Tale Books


6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Children’s book
  • #children’s novel

Copyright Contact

Lee Soonyoung

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    168 * 220

The suffering of an unfriendly teacher who becomes a cat-human because of a child with a superpower.

Book Intro

(English) The Teacher Turned into a Cat-Human

The Teacher Turned into a Cat-Human is a collection of two short stories for children. 

The first story, “The Teacher Turned into a Cat-Human,” is about a cold-hearted teacher (named Han Gyeo-ul) who used to always vent her anger on her students. She is turned into a cat-human by a student who has a superpower and then she experiences all kinds of trouble. She visits the doctor to ask for help, but the doctor tries to lock her up in a hospital, believing she is insane. In the end, what solves the problem is the children’s faith in her, a value that she had never taken seriously before. This exciting story perfectly illustrates children’s desire to rebel against the authority of the school and the teachers. 

The second story, “The 214th Emergency,” is about an army ant who was born poor in physical condition. His name is Smalljaw as his jaws are particularly small, which is a fatal weakness in an army ant. He is neglected by not only his fellow army ants but also the worker ants. On graduation day at the army ant academy, the cadets are dispatched to participate in a real mission. They are pushed to the verge of defeat, but Smalljaw does not give up and fights in his own style, which ultimately brings victory to the ants. The story of an ant who overcomes his physical limitations and restores his self-esteem will surely touch the hearts of young readers. 

Author Im Soyeong is a rookie children’s writer, and this is her first book. As an elementary school teacher, she developed the plot at school, during a writing class. The work has received attention for its insightful depiction of children’s hidden desires. 


(中國語/中文) 变身猫人的老师



(Spanish/español) El maestro que se convirtió en hombre gato

El maestro invierno, como su nombre lo indica, es un profesor intenso y frío para los niños. Frecuentemente echa toda su furia a los más débiles, es decir a los chicos. Ese día, el maestro reta a Jaein a pesar de que no hace nada malo. El alumno, lleno de rencor y furia, lo apuñala con la mirada. De repente, las fuerzas sobrenaturales de Jaein, que han sido ocultadas, empiezan a ponerse en marcha y el maestro se convierte en hombre gato. Pese a que los alumnos estallan de risa por la apariencia del profesor, él no se da cuenta. ¿Podrá el maestro volver a ser humano?. Esta es la obra debut de la nueva autora de cuentos para niños, Im Soyoung, creada con una imaginación sin reparos.

About the Author


Author Im Soyeong is an elementary school teacher who graduated from Jeonju National University of Education. After unexpectedly attending a writing workshop for teachers, she began to take interest in writing creative stories for children. She finds the subjects of her stories from what happens at school, her own experiences that her students found amusing, and fun, daring stories that she brainstormed together with the children. Although she is a teacher, she enjoys sitting down with students in the library to read children’s books. Her hope is to become a cool adult who can understand children’s feelings and communicate well with them no matter how old she gets. The Teacher Turned into a Cat-Human is her first collection of children’s stories.

Lee Seung Beom

Illustrator Lee Seung Beom is a graphic designer with long experience of illustrating for companies and magazines. He has also been working as a picture book illustrator, after realizing the fun of creating stories while reading bedtime books to his own child and winning a prize at the 5th Imaginative Book Illustration Exhibition with his first picture book, Roll Roll.


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