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Mumu's Moon Swing


Jung-soon Go




Picture Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Moon
  • #life
  • #speed
  • #direction
  • #ownership
  • #happiness
  • #fable
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium
  • #2022 K-Book Copyright Market

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Ko yechan

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    226 * 290

Ko Jeong-Soon's lovingly illustrated fable forces us to think about the direction and speed at which our lives are traveling.

Book Intro

(English) Mumu's Moon Swing

The moon is the closest of the satellites around us, and as such, has been the focus of human imagination and adventure throughout history. Its energy, life, and soft, glimmering light have been sources of limitless imagination and inspiration for humanity. MuMu's Moon Swing is an illustrated fable based on the moon motif. As evident in the cover illustration, the characters in this book all eventually travel to the moon. Everyone that is, except Mumu. Because the last place the travelers visit before making their trip to the moon is Mumu's shoeshine workshop. As Mumu shines his customers' shoes, he listens to their stories. Through the stories of the travelers who yearn to go to the moon, and the story of Mumu who loves the moon without needint to set foot on it, Ko Jeong-Soon allows us to reflect on our own lives.


(French) Une balançoire de lune de Monsieur MOUMOU

Comme la lune est le corps céleste le plus proche de la Terre, ce satellite a longtemps fait l’objet de l’imagination et de l’exploration. « Une balançoire de lune de Monsieur MOUMOU » est un livre illustré de Dalgrim qui vient de sortir. La « lune » est le sujet principal de cette fable illustrée. Comme vous pouvez voir sur la couverture du livre, tous les personnages se dirigent vers la lune. Sauf monsieur MOUMOU. Tous les passagers passent à un endroit juste avant d’aller à la lune, c’est la cordonnerie de monsieur MOUMOU. Monsieur MOUMOU les écoute en cirant leurs chaussures. L’auteure GO Jeong Soon nous amène à faire un retour sur notre vie par le biais des histoires des gens qui veulent aller à la lune et de monsieur MOUMOU qui aime la lune sans y être allé.

About the Author

Jung-soon Go

(English) Born in Seoul, Jung-soon Go spent her childhood around the Sorae port, Incheon. She lived in a room at the back of a game arcade. She draws the things that she cannot describe with words and writes about other things that are hard to express in a drawing. Goh’s works include Guard Up, A Wire Elephant, The Most Wonderful Day, Cotton Pants of Mr. Cotton, Super Cats, Jeombogi, Kkamjeongi and a collection of prose, I'm Fine.


(Russian) Писатель и художник Ко Чонсун родилась в Сеуле и провела детство в Инчхоне в подсобке игрового зала. Она рисует то, о чём невозможно написать, и пишет о том, что невозможно нарисовать. Она является автором иллюстрированных книг «Прекрасный день», «Дядя ватные штаны», «Кошка из магазина», «Пятныш и Черныш», «Проволочный слон» и сборника прозы «Всё в порядке».


(Japanese) 人が生きるために必要なものを考え、絵本を作る作家。これまで絵と文を書いた絵本に『玉春糖』、『お母さんなんで来ない』、『お父さんは私が守ってあげるよ』、『最高の素敵な日』、『ジョンボクとカムジョン』があり、絵本作家としての人生を収めた散文集がある。エッセイ、小説、漫画と、その領域を広げている。


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