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No One Lonely in Junior High
: Youth Boogie-Woogie 2


Hwang Yeongmi


SOSU-list Publishing Co.


Adolescent Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #young adult fiction
  • #relationship
  • #breakup
  • #first love
  • #child abuse
  • #broken family
  • #wander
  • #friends
  • #graduation
  • #school life
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 Russia
  • #consignment
  • #Video Conference
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Indonesia
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Vietnam

Copyright Contact

Jeon Yuseon

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    143 * 210

The story describes the daily lives of sixteen-year-old young adults, their breakups, first loves, and relationships.

Book Intro


(English) No One Lonely in Junior High

Some people tell us there is nothing to be worried about when you are sixteen, but actually there are tons of other things that make a teen’s life difficult. Every day is filled with school and afterschool work, but that does not mean teenagers can simply continue studying without feeling anything.

A lot of worries are hidden behind their bright and fresh smiles. The absence of family, friends of the opposite sex who have taken up space in each other’s heads, shaky friendships, stagnant grades, and many other things are too cruel to be dismissed simply as the price that has to be paid for growing up. From trivial thoughts such as what to wear to questions on their identity, life, and death, there are lots of question marks, but the responsibility of answering those questions lies in the very people who come up with them.

This story tells us that courage is needed to overcome situations, resolve issues, and eventually grow up.

Heartfelt support is given to sixteen-year-old boys and girls for what they are going through amidst family, friends, love, and breakups.


(Vietnamese) Học sinh trung học cơ sở không cô đơn 

Hiện tại là bản in lần thứ 8. Một người bạn biết bí mật của tôi có một bí mật mà tôi không biết. 'Hyebin' đang khổ sở vì bạo lực gia đình, Seungri - người trải qua cuộc ly hôn của bố mẹ khi đang du học Canada, Suzy - người luôn tươi sáng ngay cả khi đối mặt với sự cạnh tranh khốc liệt đều là những người bạn rất quan trọng đối với tôi. Nhưng điều khiến trái tim tôi rung động chính là ‘Cool Guy’ Jung Hoon. Hyebin nói rằng cô ấy đã có bạn trai và không nói đó là ai.

Thực tế khắc nghiệt đối với cuộc đời 16 tuổi: một chỗ trống trong gia đình, phải lòng một người bạn khác giới, tình bạn bị lung lay. Vậy phải lựa chọn như thế nào?

Đó là câu chuyện về "mối quan hệ" mà thanh thiếu niên gặp phải. Gặp gỡ bạn bè, trao đổi trên mạng xã hội, gọi điện thoại, và là một cuộc sống chỉ toàn là giao tiếp, nhưng có những thứ không được lấp đầy, những bí mật trở nên buồn cười và các mối quan hệ rối tung mù.

Đó là câu chuyện nhằm truyền tải sức mạnh của sự dũng cảm và hiểu biết trên bối cảnh những bức tranh minh họa tự nhiên.

About the Author

Hwang Yeongmi

(English) Hwang Young-mee is considered to be a "writer who stares into people's desires and passions in a caring way, possesses both wit and humor, and presents a serious and fresh perspective alongside a vivid sense of reality." Hwang won the Munhakdongne Adolescent Literary Award in 2018. Books Hwang has written include serial novels such as Blueing while Wavering, Wavering while Blueing, a predecessor of Pantaloon Heart, and Now Logging In on Catholic News Right Now at Here. In 2017, her work A Middle Schooler Is Not Lonely became the Story to Broadcast featured work of BCWW, hosted by KOOCA.

(Russian) Учился по специальности Педагогика и литературное творчество, а в 2018 году получил Гран-при премии "Литературная территория", как писатель для подростков за работу 'Вишневые креветки: секретная информация'. "Школьникам не одиноко" была выбрана как обязательная к прочтению книга и она получила положительные отзывы за то, что реалистично описаны чувства школьников, о которых не подозревают даже ветераны преподавательской деятельности.

Несмотря на жестокую реальность: издевательства и насилие в школе, конкуренция и тяжелые экзамены, подростки не унывают, заводят друзей и учатся любви, и мы должны их в этом поддержать.

(Japanese) 教育学科文芸創作を専攻し、2018年文学町青少年文学賞を受賞した。<パンタロン純情>でデビュー、<中学生は寂しくない>で図書館で必読書として選定。韓国コンテンツ振興院Story to Broadcastピッチング作に選定され、多数の海外図書展に出品された。20年中学生を教えた教師も初めて知ったと言うほど、中学生の内面を細かく描いた。


young adult fiction; relationship; breakup; first love; child abuse; broken family; wander; friends; graduation; school life 소수출판사 SOSU-list Publishing Co. The word “Sosu” in the publisher’s name means “to cultivate research and studies that have been discontinued” and also “minority.” With its series for humanities and history called “Ji rock jea(The Joy of Reading and Learning),” the publisher pursues the joy of learning by printing ‘books with larger characters’ for the marginalized. 전유선 Jeon Yuseon sosu_list@naver.com +82-10-9077-2081 황영미 강신재 Kang Sinjae Hwang Youngmi studied education in college and creative writing in graduate school. Her book Cherry Shrimp: Secret received a grand award from the 9th Munhakdongne Adolescent Literary Awards. Pantaloon Heart, a retro fiction that was highly received by writer Lim Chulwoo was selected as the 2020 recommended story on the platform Storyum. K-Book 중복 작가 2000 “I have been meeting middle school students in the classroom for almost twenty years, but this is the first time I have ever seen their thoughts in such detail.” - Kim Sangho (Korean teacher), 2016


Korea Creative Content Agency, 2017, Selected as Story to Broadcast

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