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: Do You Know Sora-Net?


Jung Mikyung

water farm




Genre Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #online sex crimes
  • #illegal filming crimes
  • #Sora.net
  • #Nth room case
  • #Nth room
  • #women
  • #feminism
  • #Korea
  • #2021 Visiting Korean Book Fair North America

Copyright Contact

Cho Park Sunyoung

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    135 * 195

This documentary novel chronicles the fight and victory of three women in their twenties whose paths cross as victims and witnesses of illegal filming.

Book Intro


(English) HayongGa: Do You Know Sora-Net?

Sora.net lies at the heart of the digital cartel of sexual violence targeted at women. For sixteen years, Sora.net, with its one million users, perpetrated all sorts of sexual violence imaginable before it was officially closed in June 2016. However, other versions of Sora.net are still rampant, and illegally filmed videos of women's bodies continue to be distributed and consumed. Criminal investigations are often carried out half-heartedly without pressing charges, and in many cases, the accused are not even indicted. Those who secretly film and distribute illegal videos slip through the fingers of the law.

HayongGa blows the whistle on the online space where many Korean men enjoy the shady sex culture in a most violent way. This book offers a woman’s perspective on Sora.net, a site that engaged in gang rape, degradation, and mockery of the female body, and unlicensed disclosure of personal information. With dramatic speed, it traces the struggle of female victims of illegal filming crimes who risked everything to protect themselves, as well as the process in which anonymous women put up a resistance and brought Sora.net to an end. It's at once a harrowing report of Korea’s most secret hell, as well as a record of the brilliant victory of many women who brought about its downfall.


(French) Ha Younga - Connaissez-vous Soranet ?

Il s'agit d'un documentaire sur le combat et la victoire de trois femmes d'une vingtaine d'années, qui sont liées en tant que victimes, témoins et traqueurs de délits de tournage illégal.  

Sur la base de l'incident réel, l'auteur a créé des personnages fictifs, Dong Ji-soo, Koo Hee-joon et Ki Hwa-young, qui ont 25 ans. Victimes de tournages illégaux et témoins du premier recrutement masculin, elles sont confrontées à des situations difficiles qu'elles n'avaient pas l'intention d'affronter. Elles participent au mouvement d'abolition de Soranet et grandissent au sein de ce mouvement, tout en luttant pour protéger leur vie. "Hayonga" nous offre une vision détaillée et reproductible de la réalité de Soranet, de la psychologie des victimes et de la puissance du mouvement d'abolition de Soranet.

About the Author

Jung Mikyung

After majoring in Political Science and Women's Studies, Jung Mikyung served as Editor of the feminist journal if. Her full-length novel Great Rain won the 2017 Segye Literature Award. She is the author of the essay collections Man Is Chocolate and You Are My Cute. 

water farm

Water Farm is a female artist who presents various images of women through webtoons and illustrations. Her work will continue until the day women are accepted as women.

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