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: (Russian) Теру-теру


Park Yeoncheol




Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Puppet show
  • #Folktale
  • #Satire
  • #tradition
  • #Korean Picture Books Recognized by the World

Copyright Contact

Irene Lee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    257 * 240

This story represents the charms and beauty of a traditional Korean puppet show.

Book Intro

 <Teru Teru> describes a Korean traditional puppet show in a comical way. It recreates traditional wooden puppets and portrays their humorous dialogues vividly.  Korean traditional puppet show is the only folk tradition that continues on today in Korea. The author, YeonChoel Park, made three-dimensional puppets using red pine trees in order to visualize their colours and the facial expressions well. He dyed the cloths and used them as backgrounds for each scene. He also created icons in each scene that described the paradox of the characters. 


The book describes human nature realistically and bitterly. The main characters are Mr. Park, his wife Puppet, his daughter Pijori, Pijori’s son, his nephew Mr. Hong, kidnapper Ishimi, and the narrator of the story, Mr. San. Mr. Park is a funny old man who bluffs a lot. He pretends that he is a gentle and well-mannered man. Mr. Park’s wife is ugly but popular among men; his daughter bluffs a lot like her father and his grandson is a mischievous and ill-mannered boy. One day Ishimi, an evil creature who eats people and animals and causes a drought, eats Mr. Park’s family. Mr. Park tries to take revenge on Ishimi but is captured by him instead. Desperate, he swallows his pride and pleads to his nephew Mr. Hong to rescue him. Mr. Hong is a strong young man whose body colour is red. He has never liked his immoral uncle but decides to rescue him from Ishimi. However, after killing Ishimi, Mr. Hong steals Ishimi’s luminous marble to sell it and become rich. Mr. Hong is critical of Mr. Park’s immorality but in the end, he himself demonstrates how difficult it is to be completely good. He shows that such is human nature. 


This book uses many repetitive words and homonyms to describe people’s snobbery and to exaggerate comical situations. It also uses slang such as ‘big head’ and ‘arsehole’ when describing the characters’ vulgar tastes. The story consists of questions and answers so children can role-play as they read the book. 

About the Author

Park Yeoncheol

(Russian) Автор родился в Сеуле в 1970 году. Специально не обучался рисованию и после университета поступил на дистанционное обучение в университет Кингстон Великобритании. Кукольный театр автора становится сценой высмеивания человеческого тщеславия и притворста. Так на Международной ярмарке детской книги в Болонье в 2015 году он был удостоен премии Bologna Ragazzi Award в категории «Новые горизонты» за книгу с иллюстрациями «Тэру-тэру». В 2005 г. - премия издательства "Бирёнсо" "Золотой Ттоккеби" за книгу «Абсурдные истории», а за книгу «Старик Мантхэ идёт за тобой!» автор получил титул «Иллюстратора года» на Болонской книжнойярмарке 2007 года. Среди книг автора "Защитим Землю!", "Муравей, нырок и кузнечик", "Почему Пиноккио врет?", "Настоящая мама и настоящий папа" и др.


(Japanese) 1970年ソウルで生まれた。正式に絵を習ったことはないが、絵を描きたくて大学卒業をしてから、イギリスキングストン大学オンライン教育課程を修了した。民族人形劇頸掛け芝居を素材に、人間の虚栄と見せかけを話し、面白いネタを提供した絵本《てるてる》で2015年ボローニャ図書展でラガチ賞(ニューホライズン部門)を受賞した。


(English) Park Yeoncheol (M) was born in Seoul in 1970. Although he had never studied painting before, he wanted to paint so he completed an online course from Kingston University after graduating from college. He won the Ragazzi Award (New Horizons category) at the 2015 Bologna Book Fair for his picture book Tterutteru, which criticizes human vanity and pretense in the format of puppet play. He also received the 2005 Golden Goblin Award by BIR Publishing Company for A Ridiculous Story and was selected as Illustrator of the Year at the 2007 Bologna Children's Book Fair for Here comes the Bogeyman.


Bologna Children’s Book Fair, 2015, New Horizon Department Ragazzi Award


School Library Journal, Recommended Book

National Library for Children & Young Adults, Recommended book by librarians


Bookstart, Selected book

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