- Overview
A book about imagining the unimaginable smell.
- Book Intro
The Flower Goblin
A red, ugly goblin lived in a field of flowers deep in the forest. He loved nothing more than to eat flowers. Whenever he gulped down a flower with his big mouth, a flowery fart came out! Brrt! He ate a red rose, and it smelled of roses. Pfft! He ate a purple morning glory, and it smelled of morning glory. He then ate a yellow dandelion. I wonder what it smelled like?
Then, a pretty butterfly followed the smell of the flowery farts and flew to the goblin. Suddenly, the pretty butterfly invited the goblin to a fart contest. The goblin and butterfly ventured off to a place deep in the forest where the fart contest was being held. I wonder how the goblin will do at the fart contest?
The book is designed to help children's sensory development by encouraging them to imagine smells that are difficult to imagine.
- About the Author
Kim Onbi
(Japanese) 子供の時から好奇心旺盛で、気がかりが多かったオンビは、突拍子もないが面白く愉快な想像が好きだった。珍しい独特なストーリと少し醜いけど個性のあるキャラクターで、大人と子供みんなから好奇心を引き出し、より面白いストーリを表現しています。愉快な想像の中の童心に永遠に留まりたい新人作家です。
Seo Jihoon
Seo Jihoon is a new illustrator with a pure and free spirit who has been fond of cute stories and drawings since childhood.