- Overview
Quack-quack finally finds the "rabbit that lives on the hill" the moment when Quack-quack calls out her name "Kkang-chung." My House Is on the Hill is a story that tells the importance and meaning of "calling someone by their name."
- Book Intro
(French) Ma maison est sur une colline.
Le canard charlatan reçoit une invitation du lapin. Le seul indice laissé par le lapin est que la maison est sur la colline. Le charlatan se dirige vers la maison du lapin, laissant le dur travail de côté.
Le charlatan rencontre de nombreuses collines sur son chemin vers la maison du lapin. Hautes collines, collines au-dessus de l'eau, collines avec fontaines. Mais vous ne pouvez rencontrer de lapin sur aucune colline. "C'est plus difficile de trouver une colline que je ne le pensais", a déclaré Quack. Pour aggraver les choses, lorsqu'on lui a demandé : « Connaissez-vous les collines où vivent les lapins ? » la réponse de la taupe, "Les lapins vivent tous dans les collines", le canard était confus. Quack pourra-t-il trouver la maison du lapin sur la colline en toute sécurité ?
(English) My House Is on the Hill
A duck named Quack-quack receives an invitation from a rabbit. The only clue about who the rabbit is is that her house is on a hill. "The house is on a hill?" Quack-quack leaves in search of the rabbit's house on the hill. Quack-quack is not good with directions, but he doesn't care. For Quack-quack, friends are the most precious thing in the world. He can't wait to meet the rabbit. Quack-quack puts everything on hold to find the rabbit's house. Quack-quack encounters a lot of hills on the way, from a high hill, to a hill on the water, to a hill with a fountain. However, he cannot find the rabbit on any of the hills. Quite discouraged, Quack-quack thinks that finding the rabbit's house is harder than expected. On top of this, when Quack-quack asks a mole, "Do you know the hill where the rabbit lives?" the mole replies, "Every rabbit lives on a hill," which confuses Quack-quack. Can he find the rabbit's house on the hill? Quack-quack repeatedly fails to find it, but he doesn't give up on his journey to find his friend's home. He doesn't give up becuase he has a positive spirit and help from many animal friends on the way. A turtle, the first animal that Quack-quack meets, brings him to a hill. Although the hill turns out to be a whale's back, the turtle's warmth towards Quack-quack can be felt by readers. And when Quack-quack asks a duck, a mole, a bird, and a flock of sheep, they don't ignore him; instead, they stop what they're doing to answer Quack-quack.
- About the Author
Chon Gumja
(French) Elle est devenue écrivaine de livres d'images parce qu'elle aime écrire et dessiner. Elle a remporté le Golden Goblin Award for Excellence pour son premier livre, "Crapaud qui n'exauce que de petits vœux". Il y a un livre intitulé "Moustache Rabbit" qu'elle a écrit et dessiné, et un livre intitulé "Un enfant comme moi".
(English) Chon Gumja majored in painting and currently creates picture books after working as a designer for a long time. Chon liked writing and drawing as a child, which led her to becoming a picture book writer. She won the Gold Goblin Excellence Award with her first book A Toad That Only Grants Trivial Wishes. She has written and drawn A Mustache Rabbit, and has illustrated A Child Who Is Just Like Me.
(Russian) Мне нравится писать и рисовать, поэтому я стал(а) писать книжки с картинками. Первая книга «Жаба, исполняющая только маленькие желания» получила премию «Золотой гоблин» за выдающиеся достижения. Книга, которую я написал(а) с картинками, называлась «Усы Кролика», а книга, для которой я нарисовал(а) картинки, была «Такой же ребенок, как я».