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Palm Dinosaur


Yu Jaee

Han Taehee


Little Brain


Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing

Japan, Taiwan


  • #dinosaur
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  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Vietnam
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Thailand

Copyright Contact

Jeon Yujun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    225 * 265

Palm Dinosaurs is a fun picture book with which children can use their hands to paint dinosaurs.

Book Intro

(English) Palm Dinosaur

A different kind of picture book with which readers can stamp their dreams using their palms! Huge eggs roll into a blue pond, But after three nights, they all disappear !We invite you to the fantastic world of palm dinosaurs! Join us to create an adventure full of color with your palms! Open your hands. Then put on some paint of your favorite color on your palms and stamp them on paper. Do you see the unique pattern you created? Next, let’s add a head, a tail and details that go with your dinosaur. Just follow along the instructions to complete a palm dinosaur of your own! Fun, isn’t it? Create any kind of dinosaur you like with the palm of your hands. A huge leaf-eating Brachiosaurus, a flying Pteranodon, a small tree-climbing Epidexipteryx, and the ever-terrifying T-rex… With every page comes a special one-of-a-kind palm dinosaur. What will the dinosaurs do next? Have as much fun as you like with your palm dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs in <The Palm Dinosaur>

1. Brachiosaurus 2. Pteranodon 3. Haenamichnus 4. Epidexipteryx 5. Epidexipteryx 6. Spinosaurus 7. Pachycephalosaurus 8. Gastonia 9. Edmontonia 10. Ankylosaurus  11. Triceratops  12. Stegosaurus 13. Velociraptor 14. Gigantoraptor 15. Tyrannosaurus



(Vietnamese) Khủng long bàn tay

Đóng "dấu" bàn tay và sau đó tô thật đẹp với màu đỏ và vàng... Ta da, thật tuyệt vời! Một chú khủng long bàn tay xuất hiện. Khủng long chân dài ăn lá cây, khủng long có cánh chẻ gió bay, khủng long leo cây tí hon. Mỗi khi lật qua một trang sách, những chú khủng long bàn tay khác lạ và thần kỳ liên tục xuất hiện. Hãy cùng bắt đầu chuyến phiêu lưu đầy màu sắc vào thế giới khủng long bàn tay càng xem càng thấy thú vị nhé!


■ Khủng long xuất hiện trong <Khủng long bàn tay>

1. Brachiosaurus (Khủng long cổ dài) 2. Pteranodon (Thằn lằn bay) 3. Haenamichnus (Khủng long phiến sừng) 4. Epidexipterix (Khủng long phô diễn lông vũ) 5. Elasmosaurus (Thằn lằn cổ rắn) 6. Spinosaurus (Thằn lằn gai) 7. Pachycephalosaurus (Thằn lằn đầu dày) 8. Gastonia 9. Edmontonia (Khủng long bọc giáp) 10. Ankylosaurus (Khủng long đuôi chùy) 11. Triceratops (Khủng long ba sừng) 12. Stegosaurus (Khủng long vây kiếm) 13. Velociraptor (Khủng long móng vuốt) 14. Gigantoraptor (Khủng long khổng lồ) 15. Tyrannosaurus (Khủng long bạo chúa T-rex)


About the Author

Yu Jaee

(English) Yu Jaee has long been an education content developer for children. Yu made a science education comics series composed of 13 books become best-sellers on shopping channels, and created the wildly popular Why? series composed of hundreds of books cherished by countless children. His works include A Palm Dinosaur, A Palm Shark, A Palm Jungle, and A Palm Party. Yu created this book inspired by the lullaby he sang to his child on a moonlit night.


(Japanese) 長年子どもの教育コンテンツ製作に携わる(を作ってきた)。科学学習漫画13巻がテレビショッピングでベストセラーとなり、数百冊のシリーズ『Why?シンドローム』を巻き起こす(した)。『指恐竜』、『指サメ』、『指ジャングル』、『指パーティー』などの作品がある。月明りの下で子どもに歌って聞かせた自作の子守唄を思い起こして、この『月明りサーカス』を作り上げた。


(Russian) Автор Юджей: Долгое время занимался созданием образовательного контента для детей. Хотел создавать комиксы о науке. Создал бестселлер из 13 книг, которые переросли в целую серию. Следуя за книгой 'Динозавр с ладошку', продолжает создавать уникальные и увлекательные книги с картинками.

Han Taehee

(English) Han Taehee studied art. Han wrote and illustrated around 40 picture books. Han spends her days creating interesting drawings. Han also held an exhibition titled “A Travel into a Cloud.” Han illustrated Solmi’s Travel in a Night Sky, Cloud Play, and A Palm Dinosaur. Han always feels thankful for her hands that have allowed her to draw lovely illustrations for children over the years.


(Japanese) 美術を専攻し(学び)、(40冊余りの絵本を作ってきた。)毎日面白い絵を描いている。『童話の中への旅』という個展を開催し、『ソルミの夜空旅行』、『雲遊び』、『指恐竜』など、これまで40冊余りの絵本を作ってきた(の作品を描いた ※原文そのものが不自然なので、まとめました)。たくさんの子どもたちに愛される絵本を長年黙々と描いてきた自分の手に感謝しながら暮らしている。


(Russian) Изучал искусство. Написал и нарисовал около 40 книжек с картинками, и каждый день рисует интересные картинки. Организовал выставку 'Путешествие в сказку', на которой представлены такие работы, как 'Ночное небо Сольми', 'Игра в облаках' и 'Акула с ладошку'. 'Чувствую себя счастливым, когда раскрашиваю ладони'.

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