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Know Psychology? Succeed in the Restaurant Business!


Lee kyounghoo


uldo nation


Business & Economics



Overseas Licensing


  • #Indonesia online Consultation
  • #Psychology
  • #food
  • #Succeed
  • #Restaurant
  • #Business
  • #2021 Visiting Korean Book Fair North America
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Indonesia

Copyright Contact

Hong-ryoul Kim

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    132 * 210

Know-Hows to Start a Restaurant, and Apply the Psychology to the Restaurant Management

Book Intro

(English) Know Psychology? Succeed in the Restaurant Business!

The book is necessary for both restaurant founders and existing restaurant CEOs.

It's heard that 7 out of 10 restaurants are closed, but the book assures you that you will have a successful career path if you read this book. The book psychologically interprets and lets the readers see the know-hows from starting to find a good place for restaurant to customer service, restaurant management, and food quality & taste. It shows the detailed contents applicable to the real field, based on the theories of evolutionary psychology, unconsciousness and subconsciousness of the psychology, and the author's actual experiences.

- Why do customers prefer corner seats and window seats with good views?
- Why do customers prefer an open kitchen structure to a closed one?
- Why do customers curious to enter a restaurant, or not, by their signboard designs?
- What kind of interior is need for the solo-diners?
- Do we eat just because we're hungry? We eat even when we feel lonely!
- Customers are not kings, but boyfriends/girlfriends for playing games.

These unconventional arguments have been reliably expressed and presented the supportive reasons of the theory as the basis, proving its creditability. The book finds out opportunities that people couldn't think before and gives the readers some advices on managing their restaurants. It's persuasive and will surely break the stereotype.


(French) Si vous connaissez la psychologie, le restaurant sera un succès.

Ce livre est nécessaire tant pour les fondateurs de restaurants que pour les directeurs de restaurants existants.

Il introduit un savoir-faire en interprétant le service à la clientèle, le fonctionnement du magasin et le goût des aliments à travers la psychologie en partant de la recherche de magasins de restauration.

Il sera persuasif et brisera les stéréotypes car il donnera des conseils sur le fonctionnement des restaurants en identifiant ce à quoi les autres n'ont pas pensé.


(Russian) Знание психологии способствует успеху ресторанов

Эта книга необходима как основателям ресторанов, так и существующим менеджерам ресторанов.
Начиная с поиска ресторана, обслуживание клиентов, работа магазина и вкус еды интерпретируются через психологию. В книге можно узнать о ноу-хау в данной сфере. Основываясь на теории эволюционной психологии, бессознательного и подсознательного, а также на собственном опыте автора, было детально раскрыт содержание, применимое к практике.

Охватывая области, которые другие не считали нишей, убедительно дает советы по управлению ресторанами и ломает стереотипы..


(Indonesian) Buku ini sangat dibutuhkan bagi pebisnis restoran dan manajer sebuah restoran.

Sebuah buku tentang tips & trik yang dimulai dengan bagaimana mendapatkan toko restoran hingga menafsirkan layanan pelanggan, operasional toko, dan rasa makanan sdari segi psikologis. Buku ini diulas dengan apik berdasarkan teori psikologi evolusioner, ketidaksadaran, dan alam bawah sadar, serta pengalaman praktek sang penulis, yang dapat pembaca ikut praktikan langsung. 

Konten persuasif melalui memahami celah yang tidak terpikirkan oleh orang lain dan memberikan saran tentang operasional restoran (tempat makan), di mana akan mematahkan stereotip kita semua.

About the Author

Lee kyounghoo

(English) Debuted as professional magician in 2004, and performed and lectured hundreds of times.
Performed as professional hypnotist. Managing a magic company, <Mr. Magic>
Founded a Magic Academy and Magic-only Theater (Delicious Theater), serve as director and CEO
Established various restaurants for the past decade (&Beer Hof / Izakaya Yiga(Yi Family) / Event Cocktail Bar 'Playground' (Seoul Natl. Univ., Sillim branches).
Currently manage three restaurants, <House of Yi Family>, <Salmon in the bottom of Sixth> and <Shalmot>
Careers in broadcasting, performance, and education: SBS <Solved! The Invisible Money> for magic performances and the training, KBS <VJ Special Forces> for Magic Education Episode, KBS <Daily Live Information> for Price Destruction, WHY, SBS <Live Today> for Fantastic Course, etc.
Instructed magic classes for executives of conglomerates and politicians: Magic education for companies and groups (i.e.: STX, Hyundai Home-Shopping, Leechul Hair, Boramae Hospital and etc.) Instructed the children magic class for the children's day at the Blue House, and planned and proceeded the magic camp as the teacher in charge for elementary, middle and high school students, and college students (Busan University of Foreign Studies, Seoul Health University, SoongEui Women's University, Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts and etc.)


(Russian) Дебютировал(а) как профессиональный фокусник в 2004 году, сотни выступлений и лекций. Эксперт по гипнозу. Управление волшебной компанией, «мистер Мэджик». Директор и представитель волшебной академии, театра, посвященного магии. За последние 10 лет было открыто несколько ресторанов (Эндбиер Хоф/Изакая Ига/Игровая площадка коктейль-бара (Сеульский национальный университет, Силлимский филиал). В настоящее время управляет ресторанами <Лигачип>, <6-й Лосось> и <Шаль-Мот>.


(Indonesian) Debut sebagai pesulap profesional pada tahun 2004, ia juga aktif tampil dan memberi banyak seminar. Ia juga beraktifitas sebagai ahli hipnosis profesional. Mengoperasikan perusahaan sulap <Mr. Magic>. Mendirikan akademi sulap, teater khusus sihir (teater lezat), dan berlaku sebagi pimpinan di perusahaannya. Mendirikan sejumlah bisnis katering selama lebih dari 10 tahun (Andbeer Hof / Izakaya Iga / Event Cocktail Bar Playground (Seoul National University, Cabang Sillim).

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