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A Thinking Trip with Pinocchio


Cho Sunwoo

Lee Aeyoung


Noble with Books Publishing


Children's Other Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing



  • #Pinocchio
  • #children's stories
  • #thinking box
  • #philosophy for elementary school students
  • #way of thinking of elementary school students
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Indonesia

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Cho Sunwoo

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    150 * 210

This book invites readers to a thinking trip with Pinocchio in search of answers to seven questions.

Book Intro

(English) A Thinking Trip with Pinocchio

This book describes a thinking trip that Pinocchio who is a fifth grade student in elementary school takes with a fairy who is believed to exist only in our imagination. Pinocchio meets a fairy with a green cone hat who is believed to exist only in his imagination, and goes on seven trips for seven days. The story unfolds in two worlds: a real world and an imaginary world. Since the author had great inspiration from Hermann Hesse in his adolescence, she borrowed the frame of the two worlds from Demian, as an homage to Hesse's novel.

On the thinking trip with the fairy, Pinocchio contemplates his own questions through a method of inquiry and a dialog method that remind us of the Socratic method. On the first day, Pinocchio travels the imaginary world with the fairy and discusses drawings of surrealist painters like Salvador Dali. On the second day, he specifically talks about ""different is not wrong,"" which is the main theme of this book. On the third day, he discovers what is the most precious for us, and on the fourth day, he meets Hermann Hesse and discusses one of his works titled Das Glasperlenspiel, and in the course of the discussion, he happens to find answers to his own questions. On the fifth day, Pinocchio and the fairy talk about birth and death, which are two sides of the same coin in our lives. On the sixth day, Pinocchio is invited to an underground festival and meets the Goddess of Gaia, and searches for answers to his own questions. Lastly, on the seventh day, Pinocchio ultimately reaches a final conclusion over all of his own questions.

A Thinking Trip with Pinocchio is in a structure of having travels in search of seven questions for seven days. What makes this story more special is that at the end of each trip for the day, ""a ring of thinking"" that connects Pinocchio's question and answer is summarized in a short sentence, which is pleasant and witty like a children's verse. This gives readers a chance to meditate on Pinocchio's questions and answers that you might carelessly pass. In the form of wrap-up, it starts with ""thoughts follow one after another"" and practices of creating a ring of thinking are repeated up to chapter 7. As the readers come to learn the structure of ""oh, that?"" followed by the ""answer"" that unfolds like joyful children's poem, they can develop their own way of thinking unwittingly. This book contains very special illustrations that can make children's thinking trips more interesting and abundant. The illustrations include famous philosophers such as Nietzsche and Chuang-tzu that are met on the trip.


(French) Un voyage en pensée avec Pinocchio.


(中國語/中文) 与匹诺曹一起的思维旅行


(Indonesian) Buku ini berkisah tentang Pinokio, seorang siswa kelas 5 SD, dan peri dipikirannya melakukan perjalanan pikiran. Pinokio bertemu peri dan melakukan 7 perjalanan pikiran selama 7 hari. Dalam buku ini, pengungkapan cerita dilakukan melalui dua dunia. Yaitu “dunia nyata” dan “dunia imajinasi”. Penulis menggunakan kerangka cerita dari "dua dunia" pada novel 『Damian』 dalam rangka mengekspresikan rasa hormatnya setelah memperoleh asupan pemikiran pada masa remaja melalui Hermann Hesse. Pinokio melakukan perjalanan pikiran dengan peri, menemukan kerangka pemikiran mengenai pertanyaannya melalui “metode tanya-jawab” dan “metode berdialog”. 『Perjalanan Pikiran bersama Pinokio』 disusun sebagai kisah perjalanan 7 hari untuk menemukan jawaban atas 7 pertanyaan. Dan yang lebih istimewa lagi adalah pada setiap akhir perjalanan, Pinokio merangkum “kerangka pemikiran” antara pertanyaan dan jawabannya dengan menyenangkan dan seru dalam kalimat yang lebih pendek.

About the Author

Cho Sunwoo

(English) Cho Sunwoo majored in philosophy and is a writer and the CEO of Noble with Reading publishing house. He has written books such as How Can We Become Book Sommeliers; Pattern Recognition Method of Reading (with a History of Western Philosophy); Humanities in My Hands, the Door to Dreams; A Journey of Thinking with Pinocchio; So You Want to Publish; I Am an Indigo Child; and Reading Expedition with Pinocchio. Among them, Humanities in My Hands, the Door to Dreams and the Pinocchio project books were selected as Best Book by Bookdase (an organization of teachers who make the world warmer with books), Sejong Books, and the Korea Research Institute for Children’s Education and Culture, respectively.

Lee Aeyoung

(English) Lee Aeyoung is an illustrator using artist name Hato (drawing calligrapher). She authored Irresistible Watercolor Calligraphy (2016). Her works include F&B brochures and wall illustrations at Starfield Hanam, Goyang, and Trade Center, F&B brochures for Shinsegye Department Store Gangnam and Daegu, and Shinsegye application illustrations, calligraphies in filmography videos of actors/actresses, for example, Jeon Do Yeon, Yu A In, Go Su, and Ryu Seong Ryong produced by CJ Entertainment, title calligraphies such as Stay With Me, New Po Cheong Cheon, and Location, and public transportation advertisement of Lezhin Comics.

  She illustrated Pinocchio, Let's Go on a Trip with Economy, Humanities in My Hand: the Gate of Dream, Stories of Indians that Wind Tells, Answers to 30 Questions in Life, 13 Ways of Thinking that Makes You out of Tiresome Life, and the like.


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