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My Doksan-dong


Yoo Eunsil

Oh Seungmin


Moonji Publishing Co., Ltd.


Picture Books


9~12 years old
Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #neighborhood
  • #family
  • #society
  • #gender equality

Copyright Contact

Yun Seohee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    297 * 254

“Those precious bygone days” – My childhood made me who I am today!

Book Intro

Doksan-dong in the 1980s was far from being fancy or luxurious, but Euni cherishes the warm memories of her neighborhood—now presented in this picture book. Author Yoo Eunsil focuses on delivering love and warmth to those at the margins of society rather than those in high and fancy places. She revisits her childhood in this book with a loving message about what a child needs in order to grow into a happy adult. In Euni’s neighborhood, there is no clear distinction between the factories where grown-ups work and their homes. It fully embraces the everyday lives of both grownups and children; we see factories operating busily, children playing along the alleyways, and grownups hard at work together. They form a close-knit community and share their everyday lives. Within that community, the grownups raise their children together, and the children grow up happily. The children are looked after by everyone, and all grownups can be depended on like mothers and fathers. The noise from the factories and the voices big and small filling every corner come together to create beautiful harmony, ensuring that peaceful days continue despite the weariness they feel. Surrounded by all that, children find safety and comfort in their environment. 

About the Author

Yoo Eunsil

1974년 서울에서 태어났다. 동화 『일수의 탄생』, 『내 머리에 햇살 냄새』, 『드림 하우스』, 『우리 동네 미자 씨』, 『나의 린드그렌 선생님』, 『만국기 소년』, 『멀쩡한 이유정』, 『나도 편식할 거야』, 『마지막 이벤트』, 청소년 소설 『변두리』, 『2미터 그리고 48시간』, 『순례 주택』, 그림책 『나의 독산동』 등을 썼다. 『만국기 소년』으로 한국어린이도서상을, 『변두리』로 제6회 권정생문학상을 받았다. 권정생 선생님 유산을 받은 일이 무척 영광스럽고 그만큼 무겁다. 「송아지똥」은 선생님이 돌아가신 지 10년이 되는 해를 맞아 『창비어린이』 2017년 여름호에 발표한 추모 작품이다. 『멀쩡한 이유정』이 2010 IBBY(국제아동도서협의회) 어너리스트로 선정되기도 했다. 『유관순』, 『제인구달』, 『박완서』를 쓰면서, 멋진 여성 인물을 깊이 만나는 귀한 경험을 했다.

Oh Seungmin

(English) Oh Seungmin studied Eastern art at Sejong University and completed an illustrated book course at Hankyoreh. Oh received the second prize Korea Anderson Shadow Award and the NOMA Concours for Children's Picture Book Illustrations with Hide and Seek in 2004. Her Ugly Duckling was selected and presented at the Biennial of Illustration Bratislava (BIB) in 2007. Oh was selected as the illustrator of Korean Pavilion of Bologna Children's Book Fair with The Song of Aggabi in 2009. Oh illustrated childrens books including Great Tricycle!, Space Hotel, Folk Dancing Every Day, Purple Cat, Moon Rice Cake Research Center, Great Mistake, and Luho. Oh also illustrated My Neighborhood - Doksandong, Goshu Playing the Cello, Try This Noodle, and Mr. Poet. Oh is the author and illustrator of Today's Menu is Pork Cutlet with Curry. 


(Chinese) 世宗大学东洋画专业毕业,韩民族插图画册课程结业。凭借《一定要藏好》获得了2004年韩国安徒生影子奖优秀奖和日本NOMA CONCOURS 国际图书插图优秀奖。《丑小鸭》于2007年被选为BIB布拉迪斯拉发双年展展出作品,《鬼怪之歌》被选为2009年博洛尼亚国际书展韩国馆插图画家。童话《 酷毙了 ,三轮自行车!』 《宇宙酒店》、《每天都跳传统舞》、《紫色猫》、《月糕研究所》、《了不起的失误》、《楼浩》,为绘本《我的独山洞》、《演奏大提琴的加什》、《诗人叔叔来吃面条》等作品画画,还创作了绘本《今天是炸猪排咖喱饭》等。


(French) En 2004, elle a remporté le prix Korea Andersen Shadow et la mention honorable dans le Concours international NOMA pour cache-cache. En 2009, elle a été sélectionnée en tant qu’illustratrice pour le pavillon coréen de la Foire internationale du livre de Bologne avec La chanson d’Akkaebi.


2019 Outstanding Picture Book Selected by Korean Board on Books for Young People (KBBY)

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