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: (Russian) Прогулка


Lee Jungho


Sang Publishing


Picture Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing

Spanish, German, Chinese, French


  • #books
  • #picture books
  • #Lee Jungho
  • #Promenade
  • #2019 Gothenburg Book Fair
  • #Korean Picture Books Recognized by the World

Copyright Contact

Chun Sanghyun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    235 * 340

A reflection on the books mankind has made.

Book Intro

(Russian) Прогулка

Кто-то, читая книги, получает или знания, или утешение, а кто-то меняет свою жизнь. На протяжении многих веков книга служила средством передачи человеческой жизненной мудрости. Некоторые из нас пророчили ей исчезновение, но она и по сей день остается самым близким нашим другом, окзывающим влияние на нас. Именно в этой книге показывается, какое влияние оказывает на нас книга.


(English) Promenade

Promenade in the book

People get various kinds of knowledge and comfort from books. In some cases, to some people, books can give life-changing inspiration. For thousands of years, mankind has shared their lives and wisdom with others through the medium of books. Today, people say the age of the book is drawing to a close, but books are still near us, influencing us in countless ways. This book tells about those moments in which books influence us. Every page of this book invites readers to a non-realistic space-time and has them stay on the page for a long time. Illustrations in books come out of their pages and go back into them. The writing in this book feel like a faint voice from a faraway mountain, making readers look back on their deep memories with books. The original and unique illustrations, and the short and impressive writing style of this book is a monologue of praise only for books. The author of this book tells us that this praise for books is what we need to keep.

About the Author

Lee Jungho

(Russian) Автор родился в Сеуле. Окончил факультет искусств Университет "Хоник" по специальности визуальный дизайн. После окончания университета работал графический дизайнером, затем с 2007 г. работал иллюстратором. Получая вдохновение от музыки и музея традиционных искусств, иллюстрировал в различных средствах информации. А с 2014 г. остановился на иллюстрации книг. Первая написанная и проиллюстрированная автором книга "Пробуглка" получила главный премия World Illustration Award от Ассоциации иллюстраторов Англии AOI. В 2019 г. издал свою вторую книгу "Время(Tempus)".


(English) Lee Jungho was born and grew up in Seoul. He studied visual design at Hongik University. After his graduation, Lee worked as a graphic designer before he began his career as an illustrator in 2007. Getting inspiration from classic art and music, Lee has illustrated for various media. However, since 2014, he has mostly focused on book illustrations. Promenade, the first book he both wrote and illustrated, won the 2016 World Illustration Award Grand Prize given by the Association of Illustrators in Britain. In 2019, Lee published his second book, Tempus


2016 World Illustration Award Grand Prize

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