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Jung Mijin




Genre Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #mystery
  • #mystery novel
  • #kidnapping
  • #romantic mystery
  • #mystery romance

Copyright Contact

Bang Junbae

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    120 * 180

This is a mystery novel in which a man hears that his ex-girlfriend, who disappeared two years ago, has been kidnapped and begins to trace her whereabouts.

Book Intro

Although flesh and skin disappear, bone lasts forever.

Junwon has been going through a hard time after his girlfriend Hajin disappeared without a word. Two years have passed, and he has been recovering from the pain. One day, when he is about to wrap everything up and leave, a package is delivered to him. Inside the box are a card with messages and a CD. The messages written on the card say, "You won't be able to see her alive if you don't bring 500 million won by 4 a.m. on June 2nd". He thinks that someone is playing a prank on him, but he puts the CD in his laptop to play it.

On the screen, he sees his ex-girlfriend who disappeared out of blue appear again. She is kidnapped and locked in a mysterious warehouse store. He finds out that she is kidnapped by an unidentifiable man and suffering there. He shakes his head in shock and stares down at his watch. "3:53 p.m. June 1st" Less than 12 hours left until the deadline.

About the Author

Jung Mijin

(English) Mijin Jung is working as a writer for movie. Jung is a writer now, but her childhood dream was to be a painter. She was thinking about how to achieve her childhood dream and she decided to make a picture book.


(Russian) Это совместная работа писателя Чон Ми Джин и художницы Ким Сора, которых полюбили за книгу <Знаешь, мистер Кто>. Интуитивно понятный сюжет, чувственные картины и режиссура создали ясную и прекрасную работу.


(Japanese) シナリオ作家として活動中。 物書きをしているが、子供の頃の夢は画家だった。 子供の頃の夢と現在の夢を一緒に叶える方法を考えた末、絵本を作るようになった。



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