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My Very Special Brother


Gho Jung-wook

Kim Hyoeun




Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing



  • #disability
  • #brother
  • #family
  • #happiness
  • #cerebral palsy
  • #computer
  • #children’s story

Copyright Contact

Kim Hyesun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    153 * 225

an immature but warm-hearted younger brother gradually opens his heart as he sees his older brother make his best efforts to overcome his disability.

Book Intro

Jongmin is a mischievous boy that has grown up loved by his parents as their only son. One day, all of a sudden, an apparent older brother of Jongmin's appears in a wheelchair. This new older brother suffers from cerebral palsy and thus cannot even greet his brother, whom he has just met, properly due to distorted facial expressions and lack of arm control. Jongmin cannot accept his brother in his heart due to confusion and resentment toward his parents, who have concealed this shocking truth. He refuses to eat, cries, disobeys his parents, and eventually runs away from home. However, as he closely watches his brother Jongsik trying his best to overcome his disability, Jongmin develops a new perspective on the disabled and gradually breaks down the walls in the heart.

My Very Special Brother tells a story about the mental changes in a realistic manner that an ordinary third-grader goes through while living in the same house with his older brother with cerebral palsy whom he has previously been unaware of his existence. Jongmin thinks that his brother is gross and scary and feels ashamed of having a disabled brother. Jongmin, who used to refuse his brother based on prejudice toward his disability, finally opens his heart while living with his brother and realizes that the disabled are people just like himself and have the right to be equally happy. Through the eyes of an ordinary child, the writer describes the prejudices of the world and provides readers with opportunities to develop perspectives on the disabled and learn about attitudes to live together. This is a special story that delivers the writer's message that disabilities are not special things; they are merely states of discomfort. Along with this message comes a warm-hearted message of hope that people will not need to worry about giving birth to disabled children.

About the Author

Gho Jung-wook

(English) Gho Jung-wook studied Korean literature as an undergraduate at Sungkyunkwan University and received a master’s degree at the same institution. He made his literary debut through the annual spring literary contest held by Munhwa Ilbo, since which he has touched children’s hearts with his books. He suffered from polio as a child and is physically disabled. Although he is wheelchair-bound, he travels to all parts of the country, giving lectures to children, parents, and teachers. A major children’s book author in Korea, he has written about 280 books, which together have sold 4 million copies. His works include Tansil, the Guide Dog; The Boy Who Carries Bags; My Very Special Older Brother; and Quick-tempered Jaeseok. Dozens of the books he wrote practicing tax sharing, and over 240 books have a record of over 3.5 million copies. It has also won the Korean Disabled Culture and Arts Awards and the Sharer of the Month Award.


(Russian) Окончил факультет корейской литературы и аспирантуру Университета Сонгюнгван со степенью доктора литературы. В детстве болел полиомиелитом, поэтому не мог двигаться без инвалидной коляски. И сейчас пытается создать мир, в котором люди с ограниченными возможностями не подвергаются дискриминации. Десятки написанных им книг были отданы на благотворительность, и у его 240 работ рекордный тираж более 3,15 миллиона экземпляров. Также выиграл премию Korean Culture Award for persons with disabilities and Month Arts Award.


(Japanese) 成均館(ソンギュングァン)大学の国文科大学院を卒業した文学博士。 幼くしてポリオを患い、1級肢体障害者として車椅子に乗らないと動けないが、障害者が差別されない世の中を作るために努力している。 文化日報の新春文芸に短編小説が当選して作家になり、障害者を題材にした『とても特別な私の兄』『四本の指のピアニスト』など多くの童話を発表した。


(Vietnamese) Tác giả là Tiến sĩ Văn học, tốt nghiệp Khoa Văn học Hàn Quốc tại Đại học Sungkyunkwan. Tác giả bị bại liệt khi còn nhỏ, và là một người khuyết tật cấp một nên không thể di chuyển trừ khi sử dụng xe lăn, nhưng tác giả luôn đang nỗ lực tạo ra một thế giới nơi người khuyết tật không bị phân biệt đối xử. Tác phẩm của anh đạt kỷ lục bán được hơn 3,5 triệu bản của hơn 240 cuốn sách.

Kim Hyoeun

After studying Fiber Design in her college, Kim Hyoeun studied Picture Books in ‘Ibpill,’ an illustration educational institution. Picture books drawn by Kim Hyoeun include A Starry Flower Wal, l Am Dallal! Who Are You?, Minji and the Squirrel, It Is my Hat!, My Brother and I, and Dongdong Kimdong. Collections of children’s poems drawn by Kim include Giving a Dragonfly in Marriage. Picture books illustrated by Kim include On a Rainy Day, Our Path Becomes a Way, and I Am Sleepy.


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