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The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty 1 ~ 20 (the 2015 revised edition)


Park Sibaek


Humanist Publishing Group Inc.


Learning Cartoon Books


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #History
  • #Korean history
  • #the history of the Joseon Dynasty period
  • #the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty
  • #educational comics
  • #graphic novel

Copyright Contact

Choe Inyoung

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    170 * 235

It is a historical comic set, which revives The Annals of Joseon Dynasty that is the Korean National Treasure listed in the UNESCO World Record Heritage based on the faithful historical investigation, solid composition, and clear viewpoint.

Book Intro

National Treasure No. 151, The Annals of Joseon Dynasty listed in the UNESCO World Record Heritage is the only authentic record of those days. Although The Annals of Joseon Dynasty is the first step to understanding our history and is the heritage that is a source of our culture, it was not easily accessible by readers due to the vast volume of 400 books, each with 300 pages. Artist Park Sibaek has been studying the history of the Joseon Dynasty since 2001 and has re-created The Annals of Joseon Dynasty as comics anyone can read easily and interestingly.

The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty vividly revived the 500-year history of the Joseon Dynasty based on the thorough historical investigation, solid composition, and his own clear viewpoint and has become a representative book as a primer on the history of the Joseon Dynasty with sales of about 4 million copies. Park Sibaek was awarded the Grand Prize of the Comics of the Republic of Korea and the Bucheon Comics Grand Prize.

The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty consists of 20 volumes and its revised edition was published in 2015. It is an educational comic set balanced with knowledge and fun that allows readers to look at the reign of each King from the founding of the Joseon Dynasty to the fall thereof, and to easily understand the 500-year history of the Joseon Dynasty.

About the Author

Park Sibaek

Park Sibaek was born in Jeju-do in 1964. He graduated from Korea University with a degree in Economics in 1984 but decided to become the cartoonist he had dreamed about since childhood. He made his debut as an editorial cartoonist at Hankyoreh in 1996 and published a daily editorial cartoon through ‘Hankyoreh Cartoon’ serially, showing a warm but sharp sense of satire. In 2000, he was fascinated by the charms of The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty and planned to turn it into the cartoon. Then, he quit his job at the newspaper to put his plan into practice in 2001. The first volume of The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty was published in 2003. Park illustrated twenty books about the 500-year history of the Joseon dynasty over 10 years as if he were a history editor in the Joseon dynasty.


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