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I am an Indigo child


Cho Sunwoo


Noble with Books Publishing


Adolescent Literature


Overseas Licensing


  • #adolescents
  • #philosophy
  • #mysticism
  • #religion
  • #2021 Visiting Korean Book Fair North America
  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    150 * 210

Book Intro

I am an Indigo child

This book is a ‘Thinking Class for the Adolescents’ told as a novel. Depicting 'a journey to find oneself', this novel shows the process where adolescents build up and break down their own worlds as they grow up through the subject of 'Indigo Child'. 'Indigo Child' is actually a name used in reality. In the educational realm, 'Indigo Child' is widely known enough to be used as a synonym for creative children. In I am an Indigo Child, the story unfolds full-throttle with an Indigo Child as the main protagonist. The story flows as the reality of the indigo child, who has the title of 'Child from the Stars' is revealed as it narrowly crosses over the boundary between reality and fiction. The starting point of this book is the most fundamental philosophical and ontological question of 'Who am I?' Readers of this book participate in the 'journey to find me' little by little via I am an Indigo Child>. Then, as you turn the last page of this book, you may encounter the luck of facing your true self.


(French) Je suis Indigo Ida.

Ce livre est une "classe cognitive pour les jeunes" écrite sous la forme d'un roman.  Il montre comment les adolescents construisent et brisent leur propre monde en grandissant à travers le sujet de "l'enfant Indigo". 

Dans notre communauté éducative, l'expression "enfant Indigo" est largement connue pour être utilisée comme un pronom pour les enfants créatifs. Cependant, peu de gens savent en détail ce que signifie réellement cet enfant Indigo. Ce livre est dirigé par un enfant Indigo et l'histoire se déroule. L'histoire s'écoule au fur et à mesure que la réalité d'un enfant Indigo, intitulé "Enfant de l'étoile", se révèle en franchissant la frontière entre réalité et non-réalisme.

About the Author

Cho Sunwoo

(English) Cho Sunwoo majored in philosophy and is a writer and the CEO of Noble with Reading publishing house. He has written books such as How Can We Become Book Sommeliers; Pattern Recognition Method of Reading (with a History of Western Philosophy); Humanities in My Hands, the Door to Dreams; A Journey of Thinking with Pinocchio; So You Want to Publish; I Am an Indigo Child; and Reading Expedition with Pinocchio. Among them, Humanities in My Hands, the Door to Dreams and the Pinocchio project books were selected as Best Book by Bookdase (an organization of teachers who make the world warmer with books), Sejong Books, and the Korea Research Institute for Children’s Education and Culture, respectively.

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