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Story 365
: Stories to Send Your Child into the World of Dreams


Jang Jihae

Choi Ui-jeong








Overseas Licensing


  • #Traditional
  • #fairy tale
  • #Greek mythology
  • #world masterpiece
  • #old story
  • #nursery rhyme
  • #lullaby
  • #biography
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Vietnam

Copyright Contact

Jang Sunhui

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    210 * 280

A book of 366 stories that can be read to a child for three minutes a day for one year.

Book Intro

(English) Story 365

We tend to delude ourselves into believing that we grew up reading all of the world's masterpieces, old stories, or tales of famous people that we've heard about since childhood. It's likely because we've heard the stories many times and been exposed to famous quotes here and there. But the question is, have you really read The Little Prince from start to finish? How many people can actually answer 'Yes’? You may believe that you've read it because you know a famous part of the story where a boa constrictor is shown digesting an elephant, taking on the shape of a hat.

This book will bring you back to the imagination of Anne of Green Gables, who once made you laugh as a child. The story of Shrunken Pants will give you a chance to reflect on the love of a parent. As you read one story a day to your child, you will get a chance to interact with numerous famous protagonists. Each story is very short. If you've ever entered a forest of stories that made your heart pound, 

we recommend that you run to a library or bookstore and choose a good book to read to take a closer look at the trees planted in that forest.

The book consists of 366 stories spanning nine genres. It includes 71 traditional fairy tales from textbooks, 22 works by famous authors, 60 world fairy tales, 11 stories of Greek Mythology, 89 world masterpieces, 38 old stories from 26 countries, 42 traditional fairy tales, 26 traditional nursery rhymes and lullabies, and 7 biographies.


(Vietnamese) Truyện 365

Cuốn sách này đưa bạn trở lại với ‘Anne tóc đỏ’ đầy trí tưởng tượng, người đã khiến bạn mỉm cười khi còn nhỏ. Ngoài ra, câu chuyện về 'chiếc quần ngắn đi' cho bạn thời gian suy ngẫm lại về việc yêu thương cha mẹ. Bằng cách này, một ngày, 365 ngày một năm, bạn sẽ được đọc và nghe từng câu chuyện và tương tác với các nhân vật chính. Từng câu chuyện sẽ rất ngắn. Vì vậy, nếu bạn bước vào rừng truyện và thấy tim mình đập thình thịch thì khuyên bạn nên chạy đến thư viện hoặc nhà sách để xem kỹ những loài cây được trồng trong khu rừng đó và chọn ra một cuốn sách hay để đọc.

About the Author

Jang Jihae

(Enlish) Jang Jihye lives in Songdo, Incheon, Korea with her three family members and two cats—Noel, who is shy, and Yoda, who resembles his namesake from the Star Wars franchise. Jang studied children's literature at graduate school. She is a recipient of the 5.18 Literature Prize and MBC Children's Story Grand Prize. Her published books include Father's Present; The Secrets of Idiom Phone; My Grandmother Is a Big Speaker; My Friend's Name is Blue Shark; You Should Not Hurt People with Words! (co-authored); Let's Be the Protectors of the Environment Together; Should I Just Give up?; This is Dokdo-li, the Green Island of Korea; Thank You for Living; Uncle Leonardo da Vinci's Pizzeria; How Did We Become a Family?; Members of This House; and Joseph, the Stubborn Boy (co-authored).


(Vietnamese) Hiện đang sống cùng ba thành viên trong gia đình ở Songdo, Incheon với hai con mèo tên là ‘Noeul’ nhút nhát và ‘Yoda’ vì nó giống các nhân vật trong Star Wars. Tác giả học chuyên ngành văn học thiếu nhi tại trường cao học và đã nhận được giải thưởng văn học 18/5, giải thưởng truyện cổ tích sáng tạo MBC.

Choi Ui-jeong

(English) Choi Ui-jeong began her writing career with the publication of "I Can Hear the Smell of Food" in the quarterly Poetry and Fairy Tales and received an award for children's literature at the 9th Cheongang Literary Awards in 2018. Her works include Smartphone Kingdom, Milk Cap War, and Lighting the Way with Tears.


(Vietnamese) Tác giả bắt đầu công việc của mình bằng việc xuất bản cuốn sách <Nghe thấy mùi cơm> trong <Thơ và truyện cổ tích> hàng quý, và đã nhận được Giải thưởng Xuất sắc trong 


(Englsih) 9Jedit is an illustrator who records moments by writing and painting stories. 9Jedit put down the violin, which she had played for ten years, and studied illustration in the United Kingdom. Believing in the magic of consistency, she paints pictures and writes every single day. She concentrates on discovering beautiful moments in everyday life and in dreams that pass by. She wants to convey warm emotions to her readers through her colors and stories. She enjoys a heart-warming tale, the moon and stars in the night sky, and a sky with clouds floating by. She is the author of the book, Everything Will Be Okay Like Magic.


Seoul Printing Center, 2019, 14th Seoul Printing Awards, Special Excellence Award


"Read a story to your child for just three minutes a day. In that brief moment, the child will receive the love and interest of parents, the power of the story itself, and the ability to understand context in their little body and mind." - Choi Seung-pil, 2019 (Author of A Brainiac's Study Methods)

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